behind the walls-chapter 2

415 11 4

warning violence  

at about 7:30pm kirishima remembered he left his phone at home so he was really board waiting till 2:00am to go home but he did he always did.

"ah its 2:00am" kirishima says to him self as he checked his watch and getting up of the bench starting to making his way to his house but as he opened the door his calm expression suddenly changed when he herd a low voice yelling out to him in the darkened room the red haired boy herd cans moving as the shadowed figure got up from there chair  the man yelled "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN" he was right in front of kirishima now the smell of alcohol was strong in his breath making kirishima near vomit no matter how many time he will smell the subsets he just cant get used to the smell "shit shit shit shit" kirishima repeated in his mind "shit its Monday the day mom works late" Mondays are the only time where kiris dad gets to let out all of his anger by hitting his son"ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTON" the man yelled impatiently kirishima just stuttered unable to speak the man just sighed then activated his quirk (he has the same quirk as kirishimas but he can only harden his hands)  kirishima hardens his skin as his dads hand made contact with his face kiri stumbles a bit but manages to stay stud up that is until the man pushes kirishima making him trip on the first step leading upstairs the man then presided to hit his son until his quirk reached its limits and gave in kirishima screamed in pain as the first punch hit his soft skin again and again every time kiri screamed in pain until his screams trend to soft whispers telling his dad to stop as the punches got less frequent after his dad got board he stood up straight and just stared at his son and spat "pathetic, real men don't cry" and walked off to the kitchen the red hair boy ran up the stirs to his room and locked it sliding down the door as tears and blood fall down his face kirisima just repeated the words his dad said "real men don't cry"

kirishima woke to the sound of his alarm "weird I don't remember getting into bed" Kirishma thought as he tried to get out of bed but every thing hurt but he somehow managed to get out of bed and into the small bathroom connected to his room to see a bunch of cuts and bruises all over his face and up his arms he just sighed and patched them up with plasters and then got ready for school 

he arrived at school at 8:30am after being at the park waiting for the school to open and went  to the sign language lesson then at 9:30 went to class only some people asked why he had bruises and plasters all over his face and he would just reply with "training" and they will believe him because that's what people did here train to be stronger. kirishima remembered what was happening today                                                                                                                                                                     "the new boy starts today" he mumbled to him self a smile forming on his face 

 aizawa walked in a short while after every one "all right lets just start" he started, he lifted his arm and a boy walked in ..     

hope u liked this chapter 

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