bakugo try's to fix things-chapter 4

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kirishima's POV

a couple days have pasted and its now Friday. I actually managed to stay awake for this lesson but I do feel like as soon as my head hits my bed ill just pass out, is that a good or bad thing oh well I don't have time to think of that I need to get my stuff into my bag

as I was getting my things together to put in my bag  bakugo walks up to me after talking (writing in his book) to someone I don't know who since I wasn't paying much attention he signs for me to wait for him after his detention which he got the other day because he was setting of explosions in kaminaris face while yelling at him, mina and sero which didn't surprise me much since bakugo gets pissed of easily and they are the perfect people to annoy him what surprised me was bakugo yelling like actual words well it didn't make sense but fuck was it adorable. he wasn't using sign so I didn't know what he was saying or he might or I don't really know I was to concentrated on his voice. I don't know what them three did to make bakugo yell so  much but it made me laugh a little, bakugo looked at me then stopped yelling after seeing me laugh he was blushing but he also hade a kind of sad expression so I sign to him that I wasn't laughing at him and why I was laughing which made him blush a bit more he is so cute, it made me a bit sad that he would think I was laughing at him. at that moment I swore I would protect this little ball of angry explosions no matter what.

I giggle to my self as I remember that day the best I could as I wait half hour out side the school for bakugo he walks out of the school and signs for me to follow him and he leaded me to a park... the park I usually stay at after school he points to a bench so I sit felling a bit awkward he turned around and texted someone after then he turned back to me and gave me a little smile which is the most beautiful and adorable smile I have ever seen the sun slowly setting in the background and the wind gently blowing through his hair I can feel my face heat up so I quickly cover my face he sits next to me after a little bit of just sitting I feel him poke my arm I look at him from the corner of my eye I notice he has the book he uses to communicate with the other students (which is doesn't happen that often)  he is pointing forward I follow to where he is pointing..

its mina, denki and sero, we just awkwardly stare at each other I can hear bakugo tapping his foot on the ground as he looks between mine and there mouths waiting for one of us to speak after what felt like forever mina starts to speak "you look like your sleeping more the past three days" she says kind of awkwardly which is odd for mina but who wouldn't be awkward after abandoning and not speaking to one of your best and longest friend because of a rumour for a year, I just give a fake smile and answer "yeah I guess I have" now I almost instantly fall asleep unlike before I would toss and turn trying to sleep or just cry to sleep finking back that is really unmanly "maybe my dad is right" " what do you mean" denki responds "shit did I say that out loud" I think to my self " n-nothing I didn't say anything why are you here anyway you said you never wanted to speak to me again" "oh umm bakugo invited us-" sero says before denki interrupts "by invited us do u mean fretted us, like hell we will actually want to talk to you" bakugo suddenly stands up after seeing the discomfort and sadness in my face and the anger in denki's they look like they where about to start fighting lighting bolts start to come from denki and small explosions start in bakugo's hands getting bigger I harden my skin and hug bakugo it seems mina and sero have to same idea both holding denki's arms back after they calm down I let go of bakugo and they let go of denki. bakugo seems to be blushing he quickly walks off in the direction of a picnic table and we all follow. I sit next to bakugo and mina sits in the middie of denki and sero and we talk things over mina and sero apologised a lot but denki just stayed quiet it was bakugo that written in the book about how stupid this was we also talked about what bakugo was yelling about the other day and it all makes sense now then we just talked like we used to well close to how it was denki's still not talking but bakugo is well bakugo signing and I saying what he is sighing and what I was saying and mina writing what her and sero where saying after an hour they had to go mina and sero apologised again and there were about to walk of when denki turned around and said "I'm sorry for being a dickhead before and I'm sorry fro not talking to you for a year I missed you so much we all did it was so stupid to believe them rumours I just pat his back and say its ok. we all agree for all 5 of us to hang out sometime and then they leave me and bakugo sit back on the picnic table he signs to me "do you feel better now that you guys have talked things out, your smiling " I feel my face heat up I just pretend I don't notice and sign back "I haven't felt this happy for a long time thank you so much I hug him but immediately regret it I start to pull back but feel bakugo's  arms around my waist I tighten my grip on him putting a hand in his hair his soft soft hair bakugo starts to rub circus into my back I start to cry I cant control it and I just stated to sob into bakugo's neck he pulled me back a bit and mouthed "are you ok" I smile and mouth "yes" he pulls me back into his arms and his hands are in my hair while my hands and are in between are chests 

I wake up in a room I've never seen before "weird I don't remember falling asleep" I mumble to my self.

 can I just say that I wrote most of this at 3:00am-4:00am so, sorry if it doesn't make sense hope you liked it anyway tho

also sorry if there is spelling mistakes

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