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kirishima's pov

as soon as he walked in to the class room I could have sworn very think went all slow-motion "he's perfect" I thought  to my self. I could feel my face heat up his eyes were this deep red colour I could get lost in his eyes, his hair ash blond it looked so soft yet so spiky, he had a calm expression but I could see then anger in his eyes. "this is bakugo katsuki" I manged to hear aizawa through  my deep thoughts sadly bringing me out if them I look up and aizawa tapes bakugo on the shoulder making him jump a little "how cute" I think, making me blush even more if possible aizawa then points to me "shit I forgot bakugo is going to be sitting next to me"  I put a smile on like always and he sat next to me I sign him my name he just looks at me nods to show me he understood then just looked back to the front of the class as aizawa starts the lesson i help bakugo for a bit but sleep gets the better of me and i start drifting into sleep that was the longest i managed to stay awake for in while, suddenly i was shaken awake by bakugo he then pointed forward i followed to where he was pointing as i looked forward i could see everyone staring at me i then lock eyes with aizawa my face goes red in embarrassment  "s-sorry sir" shit I'm stuttering, aizawa carried on with the lesson. "I need to stay awake to help bakugo god why I'm I so weak maybe if I was strong enough I could stand up for my self and sleep and stay awake in lesson" I mumbled really quikly   so no ne could hear me I put my head in my hands I felt a hand on my back I look up at bakugo and he has a concerned expression we were looking in each others eyes I then hear giggling from the front of the class room and of course its mina, kamanari and sero my eyes briefly lock with mina she had almost had a sorry look on her face but only almost she looks away almost immediately I feel bakugo tape me on the shoulder so I turn around he signs "is that your girlfriend" he had a sad look on hid face  my face went red again I shuck my head and waved my hands I then signed "we used to be friends but something happened last year" his eyes light up like charisms light he then asked me what happened in sign obviously I sign back "ill tell you at lunch if you want" he smiled as to say yes  only a little smile tho but I noticed and omg was it cute I am determined to get to know bakugo I want to be his friend or maybe more I start to feel my face heat up at that thought I quickly shake off the thought he probably doesn't even like boys and if he does he defiantly doesn't like me I try and focus on the lesson and helping bakugo 

I hope anyone reading this likes the story so far 

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