faking a life- chapter 7

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I hear a knock at the door. who in the world could that be-

I sit up slitlye and I hear my dad sigh heavily then stomp to the door after I hear the door swing open I hear nothing the I remember I can go on my roof to see so I do just that I stand on my windowsill and open my window and step out onto the roof to see who it is and I nearly slip when I see who. 

bakugo why is bakugo here I start to panic so before I slip fall and die I go back into my room and good thing I did because as soon as I sat back onto my bed my dad shoved open my door so hard that if I had remembered to lock it he would have broken my door "why the fuck is there some weird ass kid standing at my door not answering me looks like a lost fucking puppy" my dad slitty yells and he seemed sober enough to not beat me right now so I answered "dad he's deaf he can't hear you" and you could just see his anger turn to slight embarrassment "you still haven't answered my fucking question you bitch" and wow today must of been a good day because I don't feel like complete shit right now "I don't know ill go ask"  I say before getting up and walking past him to go the the font door. I walk up to bakugo and sign "what are you doing here" he looks at me for a second before taking his hand out of his pockets and signing back to me "my mum and dad have gone out somewhere and i left my keys at home and can't get in can I stay here till they get back" I nod to say I under stand and I sign "ill ask" I turn to see my mum looking at us from over the couch surprise and confusion on her face when she notices I'm looking at her she Shakes her head and says "when did you learn sign language" "oh umm since a long time, can bakugo stay here till his presents get back" I say not really answering her queston she looks at me for a second before looking in the direction of the stairs, I follow the gaze to see my dad coming down the stairs I look bad at her and she looks at me and says "year sure just don't make to much noise or anything  I nod ignoring the fake she says to say quite like we will be actually taking to each other I turn back to bakugo and he looks up seeing that Im now facing him now I sign to him what my mum said to me his face lights up god he's cute I think to myself. we look at eachother for a bit then I hear my dad walk past me and I freeze up but not for to long luckily I hear him open the fridge open in the kitchen so I relaxe a bit and grab bakugous are and pull him in closing the door behind him we walk up the stairs after I let go of his arm we walk into my room we sit on my bed are backs on the wall for a minute in complet silence not looking at each other just staring at the other end of my room then I feel a wight on my shoulder I look over at bakugo his head on my shoulder I smile at him and put my head on his after some time I two fall asleep.

oh wow its been forever since the last chapter lol

if you have any ideas for future chapters please say 

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