O N E : Arrival

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I took deep hard breaths and I started my trail through the woods, nervous every step I took.

"Good luck, sweetie!" My mother called as I got further.

I groaned. She was the only reason I was going where I was. If it wasn't for her, I could've been with my family. But now, I was leaving for the rest of my life, and she looked like she couldn't be happier.

Her voice got smaller and our small little cottage became a speck in the background. I thought about my family, our little cottage that we built from the ground up.

Bella, a.k.a. Subaru, my little ball of sunshine. And the devil of my life. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Her innocent green eyes, almond hair, and her malicious smile, plus, I knew she was going to grow up to be a strong and beautiful girl. I could tell and she was only 9!

Sophia, a.k.a. FIIIIAAAAASH!!, the smallest of our family, she's only 6, and she could be a model when she gets older. JUST SAYING! She's got long light brown hair and pure hazel eyes. She's pretty tan for her age and, for some reason, she's very clingy.

My mother. Ah, my mother. She has a very strict personality, but she makes great food! Also, she's very lovable and can make you feel good. Most of the time. She looks like Sophia with her hair and eyes. Not quite as tan, though.

My father, always at work and a very caring man. He always knows how to careful around girls, since he's been in a house for 13 years with some. He's always been there for me and knows how to help me with homework. I get my looks from him.

Then there's me. Atin. Always what I've been known as from my sisters.

"Atin!" Was Subaru's second word.

Sophia just picked it up along the way.

Whether it's for drawing a picture or helping make dinner, all that for my attention, my sisters always call me Atin. After a few years, the name just stuck.

I've got a bush of dark brown, almost black, curly hair that never wants to be tamed, freckles that dot my cheeks and extremely dark brown eyes. I'm not that tan, but compared to my village friends, I look tan. No offense to them.

I felt tears sting my eyes as I realized I was never coming back. Never coming back to the joyous laughter of my sisters as I came home. Never coming back to my mother's amazing homemade mashed potatoes and ribs. Never coming back to my father's kiss he planted on my forehead when he came home at night. Never coming back...to anything.

I gulped and stopped walking. Why was I doing this? Everything I cared about was right behind me. I could just run back and plead my mom to let me stay. That I would do whatever she said.

I know what she'd say.

"Honey, birds have to leave nests and fly on their own for a while. You'll come back. And we'll all still be here. Don't worry your brain. I hear it gives you wrinkles." She'd laugh and I would smile.

I took a deep breath and continued walking. I knew what I was doing this for.

I was doing it for them.


After about an hour, I reached into my pack and grabbed a piece of bread, munching quietly on it.

Thoughts ran inside my head, racing like a track. What was going to happen to me? Was it for the better? Why in Minecraft am I asking so many questions?

I sighed and looked up.

I jumped back at what I saw. Something was in the tree. It narrowed its eyes and disappeared. Being the nervous, paranoid girl I was, I started to walk much faster. Not sprinting, just running faster.

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