T H R E E : Nyan Cherry and Dracia

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I didn't know where I was.

I was floating, yet my feet touched ground. It was cold, but warm at the same time.

"I'm in some sort of void." I thought.

I looked down at myself. I looked normal enough.

"Guys?" I questioned, shivering at the cold and then suddenly stricken with a blanket of heat.

I took in my surrounding. Inky blackness but covered with stars.

"Like in space..."


I jumped and whipped around.

The enderman was behind me.

I squealed and ran.

Suddenly, there was a blinding light.


I snapped my eyes open and I sat up panting.

Three girls looked at me curiously.

One had a blue jacket on. She had bright aqua-grayish eyes with dirty blonde hair. I could tell she was jittery and nervous.

Another had bright chestnut hair and dull brown eyes. She wore a faded grey hoodie and her expression said "Leave me alone, I hate you all."

The last one seemed to be the oldest. She had purple eyes and brown, nearly black, hair. She had on a pair of denim purple shorts and a purple shirt on.

"U-Um, Miss?" The aqua eyes one asked. "Are you okay?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Hey!" The purple eyed one snapped her fingers in my face. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

She stuck out her hand.

"Five." I said.

She smiled and offered her hand to help me up.

I reluctantly grabbed it, but when I did I felt a jolt. I jumped.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I muttered. "Just a little...jumpy, I guess."

"Allison? Hey Allygirl, where are you?!"

The purple one narrowed her eyes.

"Cherry! Nyan! We're leaving." She snapped.

The other two nodded and started off into the forest.

"Wait!" I called, quickly getting up.

"By the way," The purple one said turning to face me. "My name is Dracia."

And with that she followed the other two into the forest.

I saw Danielle shoving branches and rushing towards me.

She grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me violently.

"Where have you been?! Do you realize how worried we all are?!"

I glanced past her and saw Alison, Gabby, Mariana, Abby and another person come running over, all looking worried.

"Who's she?" I asked, pointing towards the new face.

Danielle looked back. "Oh, that's Hanna."

Hanna smiled and gave me a peace sign. Something was off. I knew what she was thinking.

Like... I could hear her thoughts.

"Oh my gosh, is she okay??" I heard in my head.

I looked at Alison. "Thank Notch she's alright."

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