E I G H T : Hunter

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I opened my eyes to see the old concrete room.

The same things were in place and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The frail nurse came back in, her face slightly shocked and surprised.

She cleared her throat and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"The generals will see you now."

Her voice was so fragile and hoarse, as if she hadn't used it in ages. I nodded slowly.

As we walked back down the long corridor, I spoke up. "How come they didn't want to meet in there?"

She only stared ahead and didn't even acknowledge my question.

I heaved a sigh and trudged ahead.

After a few silent minutes, we came upon a small wooden door.

"Well, go in, sweetie. They're in there." She said hoarsely, but with a smile on her face.

I pressed my fingernails deeply into my palms as I walked inside and she slammed the door shut.

I saw Commander Sky everyone else, plus one other person I didn't recognize.

Her hair was a fiery red and one eye was green and the other was brown. She had a sweet smile as I shuffled into the dark room. She was the only person who acknowledged me. Everyone else was buried deep in a discussion.

She walked over as I stood, trembling near the doorway.

"Hello." She greeted. "I'm Alesa. Are you supposed to be here for Sky and the others?"

I nodded, still trembling.

She put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Hey don't sweat it. Sky's not such a brute. He's a actually a pretty sweet guy." She looked over at the Commander and grinned.

I looked from Alesa to Sky, then Sky to Alesa. That was when I noticed they both had matching amulets, except hers was magenta, and their outfits were extremely similar. She stared at him with a loving look, and her eyes gleaming with amusement and wonder.

It clicked.

"Are you and the Commander together?!" I gushed quietly so the others wouldn't hear. She snapped her head towards me and stared a bit bug eyed at me.

"W-Who? Me and him?! Pshhhh, no way!" She stuttered, quickly avoiding eye contact. I opened my mouth to say something, but the sound of the door slamming open interrupted my train of thought.

A boy about my age burst through the doors, furiously waving a piece of paper around in his hand. He had shaggy brown hair that barely covered his left eye and a beanie on.

Come to think of it, I felt like I had seen him before!

He rushed over to Alesa gasping for air.

"Gen...General Nonsense..." He panted, leaning over still holding the paper up in front of Alesa's face. "A note...for you...from..." He took a big inhale of air.

"How far did you run?" Alesa giggled. He stood up a little straighter and smiled.

"Bout' half the base trying to look for you." His face suddenly turned serious. "Its a message about the squids. They wanted to speak with you. Something about special pow-"

Alesa slammed her hand over his mouth and frantically looked at Sky. He was still deep in his conversation. She let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, thank you Hunter."

He said something under her hand. It sorta sounded like, "No problem."

She smiled and walked over to Sky. She whispered something to him and tilted her head towards me.

He looked over curiously and his eyes widened.

I looked away embarrassed. Hunter cocked his head.

"What are you in for?" He asked, staring at me curiously. I looked at his jacket and saw a budder sword. He was up HIGH in the ranks, but he was no older than me!

"I-I, uh..." I had no idea what to say! He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted. He huffed and brushed his bangs out of his hair, turning his attention to General Ty.

I looked from him to Ty. They looked really similar.

"Do you know him?" I asked quietly.

He looked back at me and grinned. "Yup, sure do. He's my dad."

I felt my mouth drop to the floor and he laughed. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"I-I, um, oh wow, I, uh-"

Hunter let out a hearty laugh. "Do you always stutter this much when you're nervous?"

I felt my cheeks heat up. "N-Not usually. You know, unless I'm around someone who's cute."

Hunter blushed and I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to come out that way!!" I exclaimed. "I mean, I'm not saying your not cute- well you are cute b-but that's not what I was-"

He pressed a finger to my lips and grinned. "Notch, you need to learn to shut up sometimes."

I took a deep breath and cracked a grin as well.

"Uh, my name is Allison."

"Well, Allison, nice to meet you." He extended his hand to shake. I took it confidently.

"Um, can we redo the last 5 minutes, you know, besides the name introducing?" I asked, grinning sheepishly.

"Sure." He laughed.

We spent the last 10 minutes trying to get to know each other better. We had lots of things in common, like the fact he liked MLP and video games.

We leaned against the cool stone wall, just hanging out and talking.

"So," He started. "You never did tell me why you were here. I mean, no new recruit has come down here. Unless they did something REALLY bad."

He looked over and gave me a grin.

"But I don't believe you're a bad person."

"Honestly, I don't know why I'm here. But, thanks for the confidence you have in me." I returned the smile, but caught General Ty sneaking a glance in our direction. {I ALMOST PUT ONE DIRECTION XDXDD}

"Well, looks like I'm wanted by your dad and the others." I said loudly, hoping the generals would hear.

Indeed, they all turned and saw me standing there faced towards Hunter. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly when he saw General Ty looking at him.

"Looks like it's my cue to leave. See ya later, Ally-Gator." He gave me a small smile and walked out

Now it was my turn to face the generals.







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