S I X : Superpower

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The darkness was so comforting. Like a giant blanket of warmth.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. I had been here for quite a while.

I vaguely remember Dracia saying something about...death? Or something like that.

I took a quick look around. This didn't feel like death. Kinda like Limbo instead.

I brought my knees closer to my chest. Sure, it was nice and calm but it was a little creepy to be honest.

Having a blank space completely engulf your being is really weird when you think about it.

I pouted a bit I didn't want to be here. No matter how comforting it was, I still need to know what happened to Dracia. If it didn't work, did she survive? If she did, is she dead from using her ender power?

A light touch on my arm made me jump and I whipped my head around.

Dracia gave me a small smile and slid down next to me.

"W-What the heck, dude!" I exclaimed. "Where are we and did this host-thingy work?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Calm yourself. Your mind is unconscious. That's whey we're in this blank void."

"But if MY mind is unconscious...and you're here...that means..."

"Yes, the host process worked." She said with a grin.

The jumped straight in the air. "Yes! Oh my Notch! I'm alive!"

Dracia giggled as a bright light flooded the void.

"Welp," She started, brushing off her knees, even thought they weren't dirty. "Looks like your waking up."

I cracked a grin, but paused. "Wait, what happens now?" I asked.

"You'll have to see that for yourself..." Then she vanished.


I snapped my eyes open and sat up in a hospital bed, drenched in sweat.

Gabby, Hanna, Danielle, Mariana, Abby and Alison were sitting down on stools, facing away from where I was sitting.

I propped myself up with my elbows and coughed to get their attention.

They all snapped their heads toward me and their eyes widened.

"O-Oh my Notch..." Alison whispered, tears brimming her eyes. "Y-You're alive..."

I looked at them confused. Gabby got up and touched my shoulder.

She looked back at them and tears streaked down her face. "S-She really is a-alive." She choked out, before brining me into a bear hug.

Every other girl burst into tears and rushed over, joining in on the hug.

"I-Is there something I should know?" I asked, still very confused. They all pulled away, wiping away all of their sad tears.

"This might be a lot to take in, so brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you." Abby said, taking my hand and squatting down so she was eye level with me.

"You died a few minutes ago."

I stared at her, trying to look calm.


She gulped. "You died a few minutes ago. The doctors came in and..." She bit her lip to keep the tears from spilling over again.

"T-They said you were long gone..." Her eyes lit up. "B-But it's a miracle that your back."

I smiled and screamed internally. I died?!

"You need rest." Danielle stated, pushing me back onto the hospital bed.

"Dude, I died. I think I've had plenty of rest." I joked. She only scowled in return.

"Shut up and rest." She hissed and briskly left the room.

I looked at the others quizzically. {YOLO SMART WORDS XD} They all quickly averted my gaze.

"Was Danielle worried about me at all?" I blurted out a couple of minutes into the silence.

Mariana's face tensed up and she started down at the floor. Hanna took in a sharp breath and gave the rest of the girls a "Yikes." face.

"U-Um Danielle didn't visit you the few days you were in here." Abby said speaking up.

"Wait, I was in here A FEW DAYS?!"

Abby shrunk back behind Alison.

"Y-Yes?" She stammered.

Gabby stared at me wide eyed. "Allison, your eyes are glowing purple!" She nearly screamed.

I gave her a "You kidding me, right" but when she didn't return the look, I shrieked.


Everyone went into a mad scramble to find a mirror. Mariana found one on a nearby stool to the left of another patients bed.

I snatched the small mirror away from Mariana and stared at myself in the mirror a good long time.

"Oh shi-" My sentence was cut off from the sound of the hospital door slam open.


Welp it is 2:31 and I have to wake up at 8:30. lol i need sleep.


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