T W O : First Day

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I chewed my lip nervously, as the commander continued talking.

"I welcome you all to The Sky Army!" He announced with a warm smile. "Now I know I'm supposed to give, like, a boring speech or something, but instead, each of the generals will have their own assigned group and will give their group of recruits a tour of the base."

Mariana grinned happily as each section of the auditorium was divided into 6 group's.

The only people I had in my group that I knew was the blonde girl.

She was glaring daggers at me.

The general our group was assigned was General Seto.

"Well," He started, clapping his hands together. "For those who don't know me, I am General Seto. I always like to get to know some of the new recruits so let's start off with..."

He scanned the group to find a volunteer.

"No one? Alright then, I'll pick."

He smirked and said: "Eeniee, meenie, miney, mo! Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers,"

I turned out that last part because his finger was getting ever so close to me and the blonde girl.


I jumped back, scared.

"My name is Danielle. I come from Wunvale City." The blonde girl said in a dead serious tone.

"Wunvale? That's interesting..." Seto said, observing Danielle.

Another girl shakily raised her hand. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes and she was extremely tan.

"M-My name i-is Abby. I-I c-come from C-Codsting City." She stuttered, blinking every word.

More hands shot up as more people began to speak. Luckily, before someone could point me out, Seto said we would continue our tour.

We walked down a long narrow hallway until he stopped at a large door.

"This is where you guys will come in your interested in magic. I work here."

A boy with big light brown eyes shot his hand up in the air and waved it furiously.

"Are you, like, a sorcerer?!" He exploded when Seto called on him.

"Actually, I am."


Seto smiled and continued the tour.

There was a kitchen, which Danielle seemed to be the most interested in, at least 50 bathrooms, 6 major classes which you had to know, and a few minor classes which just helped increase training. There were 3 wings, Nuggets, Ingots, and Blocks. The badge not only showed what rank we were, but where we stood as well.

"Guess that's why I have a golden nugget." I murmured, glancing down at my badge.

"Hey!" I heard someone whisper. I turn my head and saw Abby.

"Dont say the "G" word!" She whisper/screamed.


"STOP! You can't say that here! It's called budder!"


"Yeah. The commander only like budder. Don't question it. My sister is an ingot and she wrote letters saying you couldn't say the "G" word or you got in loads of trouble. I'm just trying to warn people before then get in trouble too."

"Oh, okay."

I looked away and began to fiddle with my, ahem, budder nugget.

Seto walked up a fairly small granite staircase that lead us to our dorms.

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