F I V E : A Host

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Been a while since I updated this...I GOTTA UPDATE THIS SHEIT MORE OFTEN


At exactly midnight, I climbed out my window and onto a tree.

I stood there for a while, just basking in the moonlight.

Sighing, I climbed down the ivy of the tree and hopped onto the cold ground. Winter would be settling in soon and hopefully, recruits would get thicker jackets.

I walked along the strange pathway that Mariana, Alison and I walked down for our "training". I rubbed my small budder nugget in hope that, in someway, it would make me feel more safe. It didn't. 

I came to a small clearing, where I saw a familiar figure leaning against a tree. 

"Dracia?" I called. 

The purple-eyed girl snapped her head towards me. She cracked a grin and rushed over, but quickly doubled over coughing. 

I bolted to her side, wide-eyed and nervous. "Oh my Notch! Are you okay?!" I exclaimed. 

She took a deep inhale and looked up at me. "T-Thanks. And yes, I am fine." 

I shot her a look that said: I-Know-Your-Lying-So-Stop

Dracia sighed and motioned me to sit down. I pulled up a log and sat, while she plopped herself to my left. 

"Allison," She started. "This might be a lot to take in, but I have something important to tell you. And you have to promise you won't tell anyone, alright?" 

I nodded, my mouth in a straight line. 

Her bright purple eyes locked eyes with my brown ones. 

"I'm dying." 

I jumped back a little and stared at her with a shocked expression. Her face darkened and she looked to the ground. 

"I knew you would do that. But that's not all." She bit her lip. "I'm also and Ender."

This time I stood up. "H-How?! And why are you dying?! Is it some sort of-" She slammed her hand over my mouth and growled. 

"Jeeze! Lower you voice!" 

She started coughing again, but this time with a little more wheeze in her voice. 

"I'm dying because my family was cursed." She explained. "I'm the last of my family. I thought I could live longer but..." 

She started coughing and wheezing again, holding her stomach in pain. 

"But...I don't understand. Why do you want me here?" I asked. 

"The only way for me to survive is by replacing my spirit with another host." She looked at me pleadingly. "And I want you to be the new host." 

I blinked a few times and opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. 


"I still don't get it. Why me?!" 

"You have a strong mind and soul. The transformation wouldn't kill you." 

"S-So you've tried this...with others?" 

"Yes. None...have survived." 

I gulped and stared bug eyed. I saw tears brimming her eyes. "Please, Allison..." She choked out. "I don't wanna die..." 

I heaved a sigh and nodded. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Y-You will?!" 

"If you truly know I can survive this, then yes, I'll do it." 

"Oh! T-Thank you! Thank you so much!" She stood up and grinned, before coughing again. 

She stood bent over for a while, just coughing. "W-We need to do this tonight, though." She winced and bent over again. "Ngh, it's like having water being poured on an Ender, but on the inside!" She exclaimed. 

I nodded and helped her to her feet. "It's quite a simple procedure. Just relax your mind and think of nothing. You might feel a sharp pain in the back of your head, but thats it. It only lasts a couple of seconds." 

I took in another shaky breath and helped her sit, placing myself next to her. 

"Okay...You ready?" She asked. 


I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. SHe placed her hands on my temples and I felt a large jolt. Like electricity was shooting straight to my brain! I shrieked a little. Damn, it was only getting worse by the second! 

Suddenly, everything shut down. I couldn't feel my arms, legs, nothing. 

I felt my heartbeat slow down and my breathing get slower. My eyes sleepily opened and shut, but all I saw was darkness. I could hear a voice that was screaming something, but I couldn't make out the words. 

"Whatever." I thought. "I'm tired. Might as well take a nap..." 

I shut my eyes and felt myself fall back onto something prickly but soft. "Must be the grass..." 

"Goodnight..." I murmered and fell into a deep sleep. 



*tries to run away from a mob of angry readers* 


Me: OHMEHGURD CALM URSELFS UR SCARING MEH! ;-; Also I wanna apologize for this chapter being so short. But I pormise, I am working on this! Dont forget to leave a comment/vote! All the support gets more of these chapters out! 

Luv u and goodnight guys! It's like 10:00 over here and i'm tired. Nite! 


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