Chapter 14

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Third p.o.v

Everyone did their usual routine after waking up and went their own ways later on which was normal for them but the abnormal things started after Jin came to the practice room only to find no one.

"Hyung,where are the others?"

"Wait what are you doing here Jin? aren't you all taking a break today?"

"No...?who told you that?"

"Namjoon.He messaged me that you were taking them out to a park but if you are here then...."

"Then it means someone have kidnapped them"

The manager shuddered.


"Are you sure that you saw them go inside,"

"Yes I'm 100% sure I did.My memory is not a joke officer.I saw the three kids enter their building and I never leave unless they are inside"

The officer was now questioning everyone starting from Jin because he was the only one who saw them that day.

"What about namjoon,yoongi and hoseok?"

"They come here by a bus while I drop the kids to school.The schedule was always like that"

"I see.Please tell your alibi to my assistant while I question the others,sir"

Jin nodded and went to his assistant to give his alibi while the officer interrogated everyone else and that how 4 hours were spent.

Jin was getting impatient because he already narrowed down his suspects while the officer was still in the process of finding clues to pinpoint a suspect.

Jin couldn't hold it anymore so he barged in between the interrogation and told the officer to follow him so they can search near their home.

The officer was dumbfounded at first but later understood what the younger one was implying.

"An old man and women lives beside our home so it's either me or them who have last saw them"

The officer nodded.

Soon they reached their destination and went inside to ask the old couple but only the man was inside.

I knew it!I was right.

Jin thought while clenching his fists trying not to blow up his cover.

"Hello sir.Could you please give us a little bit of your time?It seems the 6 kids in your neighborhood have been missing since this morning"

"Oh my goodness!Is there anything I can help with?"

The man fake cried.

"Ye-"Jin cut off the officer by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes please, I need to know where and when the boys can go,any favorite spots that you know of? somewhere they go to calm themselves?only you can answer them since you know them for the longest.Please,we need you the most right now" Jin showed a fake pain expression.

This guy is such a great actor!

The officer thought while looking between the old man and Jin, obviously feeling out of space due to the tension.

What are they,sworn enemies?

The tension was creeping the man out.

"Yes of course,son.Come and sit inside"


"Thank you" Jin replied before whispering 'act as if we are not suspicious of him'

"I will arrange my living room so stay here for a while" the old man then disappeared.

"He certainly have someone in his living room" they whisper talked.

"What!then we should ask for a back up" the officer said wide-eyed.


"But why?"

"Because this is the only way of walking into their den"

" mean..."

"Yeah, we need to take some hits after struggling for a bit.The men he hired seems to be professional"

"How do you know?"

"Because the men are moving too quietly for us to even realise.Can you even hear someone moving?"

 "No....but I can feel their presence"

"Exactly,that means they are big and buff so the hits might be a little more painful.Hopefully, we don't die"

The officer gulped at jin's idea while silently praising his intelligence.

"But can't we just held someone hostage and get the information?"

"They are pro so they won't tell us where the members are even if it meant risking their lives"

"That's because they get paid a hefty amount so even if they don't get that money,their other members can share it.Unloyalty is not an option"

"But who will come to save us then?"

Jin snickers at that question.

"I will"


"I have already texted my most trusted men about this because he can track me down and come with the police.Don't worry,the plan is very smooth"

"Yeah,smooth very smoooooth" the officer replied in nervous sarcasm.

"Sorry to keep you waiting.You can come in now"

Jin nodded and went in first then the officer who is a little hesitant.

They were about to sit on the sofa when a man came lunging at Jin with a knife but of course,Jin being a master in martial arts,dodged him and threw him across the room before bending his arm a little.

All this made the other men's shiver with fear.

Wtf nobody told us that one of them was this strong!

One of the pros thought before they all came out of their hiding, already on alert.

Just then,Jin signaled the officer to join in.

"Fuck just call me Jackson from now on,Jin"

"You are my friend now?"

Jin asked while getting into a defensive stance.

"Only a real friend will jump in the fire with you"

"Then...shall we start,Jackson"

"Hell yeah"

After a bit of resistance,both men literally fell on the floor after getting punched by a man who was the last one among the others.Yes,they defeated them all,all 15 of them and it's not like they couldn't do the same to the last one but they needed to follow the plan.

Of course, the plan went as Jin planned-they were carried to their HQ.


-Love Lucy

MaskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora