Here's a Vocab Lesson

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Vocab as in vocabulary. We tend to shorten things, but some slang I've heard people think we say, I've never actually heard anyone say before.
Here's some examples of what you might hear:

Servo - Petrol/service station

Yeah nah - No

Nah yeah - Yes

Gronk - Dickhead

Beauty - Something great

A Blue - A fight

Bottle-O - Liquor store

Chewie - Gum

Grog - Alcohol

Durry - Cigarette

Esky - A cooler for drinks

Galah - Idiot

Arvo - Afternoon, or an afternoon detention.

Sheila - Female

Bludger - A lazy person.

F*ck me dead - Expresses surprise

Footy - The NRL (National Rugby League)

Mungrel - Dickhead

Rack off - Go away

Ripper - Amazing

Sickie - A day off work for sickness without being sick.

Stuffed - Tired

Thongs - Flip flops (not underwear)

G-string - What some may call a thong, the underwear

U-IE - U-turn (Pronounced Uie)

Rubber - Eraser

Bloke - A dude

Taking the piss - Joking

Chockers - Crowded

Snag - Sausage

Maccas - McDonalds

Boot - Car trunk

Bin chicken - An ibis

This will serve as a part one so if you've heard any others I didn't mention and you'd like to know about, feel free to comment and I'll chuck them in the next one.

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