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You would think hmmmm, Covid-19, very bad, should isolate!

Here in Australia, many things are still open but modified, fast food, hairdressers, supermarkets, and now, schools have the option of sending year 12 students back to school full time with face to face learning. In some sense this good, as many students learn better this way, but they also haven't made any changes to our major exams (HSC). This could change depends on what happens in a couple months tho.

I do however find it funny that somewhere, I forgot where, people were protesting that they should be allowed to go out and not have any restrictions, got coronavirus at the protest. I also think it's a bit silly that although America is one of the most infected counties, but Trump wants to drop restrictions and open things up. Then again pretty sure he also told people to inject bleach or hand sanitiser into them. I wouldn't recommend this. I am not sure if Americans agree with the government but it depends on the circumstances I guess. I mean there's a lot of Australians who don't agree with things ScoMo (the prime minister) says.

But hey let's just hear from our First Lady, Mrs ScoMo 😂😂😂😂 She doesn't even have a title and no one calls her that, hopefully someone got the joke. But real original media.

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