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We drive on the left side of the road, that's right, the left.

To get your license you have to do an online test to get your L's (Learners License). You can get this when you turn 16 and you have to have an adult that has a full license in the car at all times. You also can't go over 90km/h. You need to drive for 100 day hours and 20 night hours and have to have your L's for 12 months.

Then you get your red P's (Provisional License). You still can't go over 90km/h but can drive alone. You take a drivers test for this with an instructor and have to do a hazard test. You have your red P's for 12 months.

After that is green P's. To get this you have to have a clean record and not be suspended for the whole 12 months. You are on your greens for 24 months. You can now drive 100km/h.

Then you can get your full license. For this you have to prove your identity and pass an eye test. You then pay the fee.

I'm not sure if it's different in other states but that's how it goes in NSW.

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