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I was born on earth in a old house, to Willow Wakeman. My doctor and father figure was Leonard McCoy, a known Starfleet surgeon. I had a pretty normal life, a loving mother, a best friend who I would give my life for, and a doctor who was like my father..... but I was missing one thing, my actual father. My mother would tell me stories about him, and she said she knew that if he could be with us he would, but a part of me just thinks that she said that to make me feel better.

When I turned five I was one of the smartest kindergarteners in my class. I had almost been moved up to the forth grade, but my mother wanted me to be around kids my age, so she asked that I be placed in the same grade as Joanna. By the age of eight I was starting middle school.

My black hair was down and to my shoulders. I had on a plain blue dress and flip flops.

"Come on Crystal!" Joanna exclaimed as she dragged me behind her.

I smiled as I followed behind her and we walked into our classroom. Our teacher turned to look at us and frowned. She walked up to me and looked me up and down.

"I think you are in the wrong class." She said calmly.

"No I'm not, my name's Crystal Wakeman." I said politely.

She looked down at her clipboard and checked her records and frowned softly.

"The half breed... take your seat, Miss. Wakeman." She said as she walked away.

I frowned as I set beside Joanna and pulled my notebook out. Soon a boy who looked to be eleven walked into the class and set beside me.

"Mister Kirk I see you are back." The teacher said calmly.

"What can I say... I love your class." He said with a smirk.

"As it seems, this is your second year in my class..... Alright everyone please write everything that is on the board." She said as she set down.

I quickly wrote the notes down and when I was finished I saw that the boy beside me was having trouble. I quickly wrote another thing of notes and handed them to him. He looked at me confused and took them and looked over them.

"They make a thing called glasses." I whispered.

"Thanks." He said as he put the paper down.

I nodded my head and looked back at the board. It wasn't long before I got into the habit of making two copies of my notes and handing him a copy. This continued to our eighth year.

"Oh look it's the slut's daughter." A girl said cheerfully.

Another kid bumped into me and I dropped all of my notes. I bent down to pick them up only for another eighth year to step on my hand. I let out a gasp and moved my hand to my chest.

"Hey! Back off, Henry!" A voice snapped.

I looked up to see the kid from my class walking up to us.

"Or what? You'll go tell your daddy? Come on Ben, she isn't worth it." Henry said with a frown.

"I said back off." He said as he glared at him.

"Fine, whatever you want, moron." He said as he turned to walk away.

"What was that?" He asked as he moved to hit him.

I grabbed his hand and stopped him, I heard Henry laugh as he walked away.

"I want to give him a piece of my mind." Ben growled.

"He isn't worth it." I said as I bent down and started to pick my stuff up.

He bent down and helped me pick it up before standing up.

"Thanks for standing up for me." I said softly.

"It was no problem.... thanks for helping me pass." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"You really should get glasses... and if you don't want them they make contacts." I said calmly.

"I know... I just don't want my dad to know I'm having trouble seeing... he would think that I would never be able to be a captain." He said as he let out a sigh.

"Well... if it helps there is hundreds of captains who have had to have glasses.... and they were hero's." I said as I sent him a smile.

"Thank you.... um I never got your name." He said calmly.

"When you become a captain I'll tell you my name.... but just to help you out my middle name is T'Shel." I said as I turned and walked away.

"Then I better hurry up and become a captain!" He yelled.

It didn't take me long to grow a small crush on him, but it wouldn't go anywhere because that was the last school year I had with Benjamin Kirk, his father forced him to go into home schooling. I continued in public school up until my last year when I was attacked by Henry.

"I can't believe he attacked you.... what did you even do to piss him off?" Joanna asked as she stitched my eye up.

"Nothing. He just hit me, and then he wouldn't stop... took two teachers to pull him off of me." I said softly.

"Damn... remind me to kick him in the dick next time I see him." She said as she put her supplies away.

"Mom is going to flip out." I groaned out as I laid back in my chair.

"It will be fine... just lie." She said with a small smile.

"Hi mom, oh this eye? Yea I fell down the stairs at school." I said with a frown.

"Yea like that." She said as she stood up and walked away.

I smiled as I stood up and got ready to leave for home. Like I thought my mother flipped out and forced me to finish school at home. Thankfully she hired a teacher instead of teaching me herself.

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