Chapter 1

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Whenever I turned sixteen, Joanna and I both joined Starfleet academy and by the age of seventeen I had graduated first in my class with the highest grade in record. After graduating I had to wait before I could be assigned a ship because I had graduated earlier then other students.

When the day finally came for me to be put on a ship I had never been more worried then when I got up that morning. I let out a sigh as I fixed my long black hair up in its messy bun and straighten my red uniform out. I grabbed my bag and looked myself over before walking out of my dorm and to the landing docks, where I was meeting Joanna.

When I arrived I saw people running all over the place. I bumped into two people and after excusing myself I looked around for Joanna. I soon saw a girl with brown hair running up to me in a red uniform.

"Joanna! I'm over here!" I yelled as I waved my hand.

"Crystal! Guess what!" Joanna yelled as she ran up to me.

She tackled me in a hug and I laughed as I shook my head and pulled away from her.

"What is it jailbait?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We got assigned to the US Enterprise!" She yelled happily.

I looked at her shocked and then quickly shook my head.

"Both of us? That is a surprise."

"I bet dad pulled some strings." She said as she interlaced her arms with mine.

"So who is our captain?" I asked as we started to walk through the hanger.

"Terry Carter, First Officer is Delma Lance." She said as we made it to the ship.

It wasn't long before we arrived on the ship and Captain Carter introduced himself.

"I am Terry Carter, your new Captain. This is my First Officer, Delma Lance. You will show both of us respect, now go to Commander Lance to get your jobs." He said as he turned and walked away.

"Henry Chekov!" She yelled.

A man with brown curly hair and dark brown eyes walked up to her. I let out a groan as I realized who he was.

"Isn't that your childhood bully?" Joanna asked in a whisper.

"Sadly yes." I groaned out.

"At least he has gotten hotter." She said softly.

I sent her and look and she raised her hands up. The Commander quickly gave Henry his job and then she kept calling names.

"Demora Sulu!" She yelled after he left.

A girl with long black hair walked up and sent her a smile.

"She is pretty." Joanna whispered.

"Looks like a know it all." I said as I leaned back on my heels.

"Amanda Uhura!"

A dark skinned girl with her brown hair in a bun walked up.

"It's Amanda.... Thank the lord she is on our ship." Joanna said cheerfully.

"You do remember that time she almost threw you out of a moving car right?" I asked calmly.

"It was a long time ago." She whispered.

I sent her a look and uncrossed my arms.

"It was last month, and it was over a bag of M&M's." I whispered angrily.

"Peter Preston!"

A man with short brown hair and blue eyes walked up to her.

"Hello hottie... think he is single?" She asked playfully.

"Dating Uhura." I said as I let out a sigh.

I saw a pout appear on her face and held back a laugh.

"Benjamin Kirk!" She called.

I watched as a man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to her. My eyes quickly followed him and I bit my lip as I saw him walk up to her.

"Isn't that-"

"Don't say it." I groaned out.

Ben sent the commander a smile and said something that we couldn't hear. She glared at him and then gave him his job and ordered him onto the ship.

"Joanna McCoy!"

Joanna sent me a thumbs up and rushed up to get her job. She soon walked away and I looked around to see I was the last one.

"Crystal Wakeman?" She asked calmly.

I nodded my head and walked up to her.

"You will be working under me. I will show you the ropes around being the ship's science officer." She said with a smile.

"Thank you Commander Lance." I said softly.

She nodded her head and dismissed me to my quarters. I left and smiled as I saw that I was bunking with Joanna.

"Roomie!" She yelled.

I laughed as I shook my head and plopped down on my bed. I looked up at her and watched as she put her clothes up.

"So what is your job?" I asked as I crossed my legs together.

"I'm working as a nurse.... under Doctor Theodore Harrison." She groaned out.

"Wasn't he taught by your dad?" I asked with a smirk.

"Don't remind me. He is the worse surgeon.... I hear that he has lost more people then a trained assassin." She whispered.

I laid back on the bed and put my hands behind my head.

"So Ben looked cute... didn't he?" She asked playfully.

"Shut up." I said not looking at her.

"Come on admit you still have a crush on him." She said cheerfully.

"Well..... He has grown up a lot." I said as I let out a sigh.

"And so has Henry Chekov... I can't believe he made it to the bridge." She said with a growl.

"Seriously? That means I'm gonna have to see him."

"You are on the bridge?"

"I'm working as an assistant to Commander Lance."

"Seriously? That's so cool! They said she only picks the best to work under her!" She exclaimed happily.

"So... do you know what Ben was assigned as?"

"Oh yea, he was assigned as a phaser gun crew member... sucks for him. No way he will become a Captain." She said as she shook her head.

"Don't underestimate him... he is stubborn." I said with a smile.

"Sure he is... I'm going to get some sleep, we report to work tomorrow." She said as she left to change clothes.

I smiled as I laid my head on my pillow and looked at my ceiling. After I had stared at it long enough, I got up and started to decorate my room. I put my clothes and uniforms away and fixed my desk the way I wanted it. I let out a sigh as I saw Joanna fast asleep in her bed. I checked the time and stretched my arms out.

"Guess it's time for me to get some sleep." I whispered as I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed. When I was finished I walked over to my desk and set my alarm. I plopped down on my bed and let out a sigh as I rolled over to look at the picture of me with my mother. After a few seconds of staring at the picture, I rolled over on my side and quickly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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