Chapter 5

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We made it into the ship and I let out a shaky sigh.

"It will be fine." Ben said as he patted my back.

"I wish I had you set of mind." I said softly.

"I wish I had yours." He said as we walked to the bridge.

As soon as we got on board everyone was standing and saluting us.

"Let's get to work." Ben said as he set down in the chair.

I walked to my station and we went on our way. When it was finally time for rest, we all went to Ben's new quarters to celebrate.

"So Ben, mind if Amanda rooms with me now?" Peter asked playfully.

"I don't want any mini P's on my ship." Ben said with a laugh.

"Can me and Jo room together in that-"

"No." I said calmly.

"What she said." Ben said with a laugh.

"Oh come on! Cockblockers." Jo said angrily.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"No mini Jo's or Henry's... if there is I tell Bones everything." I said sternly.

"Yes ma'am!" Jo said as she saluted me.

"Alright! Now a toast! To the worse- I mean best Captain Starfleet will ever see!" Peter said with a laugh.

Ben and I both let out a laugh and raised our drinks up.

For the first few weeks it was hard working as First Officer, but it got easier the longer I held the position. There where sometimes that me and Ben would get into it about our ideas but we always ended up finding away to get the mission done.

"So where is it that we are having to go again?" Ben asked as I walked onto the bridge.

"Vulcan. We are picking up Ambassador's Spock and Sarek... and I think Sarek's wife Amanda." I said softly.

"Then where to?"

"To pick up another admiral and then some other people. There is a reunion of sorts and we are to take them and a group of Klingons to Organia." I said softly.

"That is going to be so much fun..... Sulu take us at warp 2." Ben said softly.

We soon made it to Vulcan and I walked with Joanna and Ben to the loading dock where we waited for Spock and Sarek. When they arrived I stood to the side.

"Ambassador's it is an honor to have you aboard." Ben said softly.

"Captain Carter the honor is ours." Spock said softly.

"Actually my name is Captain Benjamin Kirk. This is my First Officer T'Shel Wakeman and Chief surgeon Joanna McCoy." He explained.

"What happened to Captain Carter and First Officer Lance?" Spock asked calmly.

"Captain Carter was injured and forced to retire. First Officer Lance choice to retire with him." I explained.

"If you all wouldn't mind you can follow me and Commander Wakeman on a tour of the ship." Ben said calmly.

We walked through the ship and after a brief tour I showed them to their rooms.

"T'Shel is a Vulcan name." Spock said calmly.

"My father was half Vulcan, my mother human." I explained.

"And your mother is?"

"Professor Cayla Wakeman. Head of Star Fleet Academy." I said calmly.

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