Chapter 3

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"Okay, what was that?" Joanna asked as she walked into the room.

"He didn't remember me! Can you believe him? I helped him pass and he doesn't remember me." I growled out.

She smiled as she plopped down beside me.

"Maybe he didn't think it was you, because of how beautiful you are." She said playfully.

I sent her a glare and hid my head in my pillow. I let out a muffled yell and set up.

"If he becomes Captain we are so doomed." I said with a frown.

Two days later we arrived on Organia and were given a shipment of supplies. Sadly I was forced to stay in my room with Joanna.

"I can't believe that the commander is taking all the credit!" Joanna yelled as she plopped down on her bed.

"As long as the people of Angel 1 get their food, I don't care who takes the credit." I said softly.

"Kirk, Wakeman and McCoy to bridge."

I stood up and quickly fixed my uniform before following Joanna to the bridge. When we arrived we saw Ben standing in front of the Captain.

"Captain." I said as I put my hands behind my back.

"Commander Lance has spoken to me about it being your idea to get food from Organia.... smart move." He said with a smile.

"It was Kirk's idea, sir. Me and Joanna only said that it would be faster to go to a planet close by and ask if they would lend a helping hand to Angel 1." I said calmly.

"Either way, I see a great future for you three. I want you three to go down and bring the food." He said as he sent us a smile.

"Yes sir." Ben said calmly.

"Dismissed." He said as he set in his chair.

We left the bridge and Joanna sent me a smile as we got in the elevator.

"Thanks for telling him it was my idea." Ben said as he looked me over.

"It was your idea, so the logical thing was to tell the truth." I said not looking at him.

"Thanks anyways, T'Shel." He said softly.

I nodded my head and we got ready to leave for Angel 1. When we arrived I waited in the transport room with Joanna for Ben.

"Sorry, couldn't find my phaser." Ben said as he stepped on the pad.

"Remember show respect and make this quick. We have somewhere to be." Commander Lance said softly.

I nodded my head and then I looked at Preston.

"Beam us down P." Ben said with a smile.

He hit the button and we soon beamed down. When we energized on Angel 1 we saw Mistress Beata.

"Mistress Beata." I said with a bow of my head.

"Thank you for bringing these supplies." She said as we loaded them into a storage room.

"You should be thanking Mister Kirk. It was him who talked the Commander into going to Organia." I said softly.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"It was no problem, but if it wasn't for T'Shel and Joanna I wouldn't of spoken up about where we could go.... they are the real heroes." He said as he sent me a smile.

"A man not afraid to give credit when credit is deserved..... you are a brave man."

"Thank you for the compliment.... and the same goes to you. You're people have done something amazing here..... I wish more places where like this." He said softly.

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