Chapter 2

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Beep beep

I jumped up and let out a groan as I shut my alarm off. I heard Joanna let out a squeal and I turned to see her on the ground.

"I hate my life." She said angrily.

It had been a month since we joined the Enterprise and we had yet to see any real action. We were forced to stay on the ship and watch people work. I had thought after a week they would of allowed us to actually do something useful, but we were put on the sidelines.

"Come on let's go to work." I said as I stood up and grabbed my uniform.

My uniform was a simple blue dress with a Star Fleet badge. I had on a pair of black boots and my hair was put up in a messy bun.

"Guess it's time to go deal with Dr. dumbass." Joanna said with a groan.

"Have fun!" I yelled as I walked in the opposite direction.

I made it to the elevator leading to the bridge and internally groaned as I saw Henry Chekov already on it.

"Wakeman, going to bridge?" He asked calmly.

I nodded my head and kept looking straight.

"Joanna has changed a lot... I like her new hair." He said as he put his hands in his pocket.

I hit the stop button and turned to glare at him.

"Off limits. If you so much as breath in the wrong direction as Joanna nothing, and I repeat nothing will stop me from ending you." I said angrily.

"I wouldn't hurt Jo... She is different from other girls." He said softly.

"Yes, She is and that's why you are to stay away from her. You are nothing but a bully and bullies don't change." I said as I turned and pushed the go button.

We soon arrived and I walked over to my station. Soon the ship took off and we headed to the planet Angel 1.

"A group of all female's will go down and talk to Mistress Beata the leader of the planet." Captain Carter said calmly.

"Shouldn't a man go with them?" Henry asked with a smirk.

"Planet Angel 1 is actually dominated by females. They don't listen to men very well." I said calmly.

"Correct, Lt. Wakeman. I want you and a few others to go to the planet. Commander Lance will go with you." He said calmly.

"Yes, sir." I said calmly.

"Pick a nurse to go with us. A well trained one." Lance said calmly.

I nodded my head and walked off the bridge. I arrived in the medical station and sent Dr. Harrison a small smile.

"Nurse McCoy with me. Get a bag." I said calmly.

"Yes ma'am." She said happily.

I held a smile back as we walked to the transporter room and I grabbed a phaser.

"Alright everyone is to follow me. I will do all of the talking." Commander Lance said sternly.

I got on the platform and held my breath as we beamed down.

"Welcome." A woman said with a smile.

The woman had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a regular blue t-short and black pants.

"Mistress Beata we are honored to be here." Commander Lance said softly.

"The honor is ours. Will more be coming down?"

"Most likely not. The captain believe it would be better to talk woman to woman."

"I see." She said calmly.

"He wanted to make sure non of the men on our ship would disrespect you or any other person here." I said with a smile.

She sent me a smile and Commander Lance glared at me.

"I've seen your face before." Beata said softly.

"Lt. Crystal Wakeman, my mother is Cayla Wakeman."

"I remember her. She came with Captain James T. Kirk." Beata said with a smile.

I nodded my head and she smiled as we walked into the building. It didn't take us long to sit down and start to talk about why she had asked us to visit.

"My people need supplies. We are running low on food." She explained with a frown.

"I see, we will send word to starfleet." Lance said softly.

"How long will it take for supplies?"

"A week for it to reach StarFleet and then two weeks to bring the supplies."

"My people will not last a week. We have been without food for over a month and Starfleet has just now sent you."

"Commander there is a planet not to far from here. They have food and they are peaceful, I'm sure they would send enough for them to survive until Starfleet can help." I said calmly.

"It is best to leave them alone. We have rules that we must follow." Lance said calmly.

"But they need food.... couldn't we spare some from the ship?" Joanna asked calmly.

"We don't have the supplies, I'll talk to the Captain. Mister Preston beam us up." Lance said as she pulled out a communicator.

I frowned as we beamed aboard the ship and she turned to look at both of us.

"Do both of you wish to be court marshaled?" Lance asked angrily.

"Commander, they are starving and they need supplies. You saw them they won't last a week." I said calmly.

"There are rules, we can't go to another planet and ask for supplies and we don't have enough supplies ourselves to give them any."

"Ma'am if I may." A voice said.

I turned to see Ben and bit my lip. He walked up and sent me a smile.

"Organia isn't to far away from here maybe a two day journey... and they are known for helping other planets. I'm sure they would give supplies to Angel 1." Ben said softly.

"I'll talk to the Captain.... you two are to stay in your room for the remainder of the trip." She growled out as she left the transporter room.

"Thanks." Joanna said as she sent Ben a smile.

"It was nothing, we can't allow people to starve." He said softly.

He looked over at me and sent me a smile.

"Benjamin Kirk, and you are?" He asked with a smile.

"T'Shel." I said as I walked past him.

I made it to my room and let out a groan as I plopped down on my bed.

Lt. Wakeman Jr. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now