in that way

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Three days passed since that kiss. I didn't speak to him, more specifically I dodged any connection with him. I didn't want to be the home wrecker of him and Locklear. Especially because I'm so young. No, I wasn't uncomfortable to see him, but I was smart enough to know that it was wrong. Hell, I craved his lips, but the good of me knows to block that.

In more important news, today was Grandpas funeral. I accompanied my father the entire morning, he was very sensitive at this point. His father was his best friend 'til the end. It was entirely heartbreaking to see him like this, but he was gaining closure from his funeral. 

"I'll have to be there an hour early, you and Tommy can take the car there later." My father sighs and kisses my forehead. I nod and hug him one last time before he walked out the door. 

I turn and lean against the door frame. All I could focus on was my father. I wanted him to smile, be okay again. But with the circumstances, I'm not entirely sure when that'll happen again. 

I walk back upstairs and open the door to my bathroom. There stood Tommy with a towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Fuck-sorry!" I instantly cover my eyes and turn to shut the door, but for some reason, it wasn't being forced open. I decided on him to close it, and I began to walk away. His strong arm grabs my waist and spins me back to face him. I still cover my eyes and look at the ground, being entirely embarrassed. 

"Ash..." He says, his hand continued to stay on my hip, as he waited for me to give him some sort of attention. "Are you mad at me?" His voice sounded soft, with a touch of worry. 

I relax my tense shoulders and look up at him. "No. I don't know. There's no reason to be." I slowly shrug. 

"Look, I didn't know what I was thinking when I kissed you. I thought you were coming onto me, but now that I see it," He laughs to himself and runs his hands through his wet mop on his head.  "That wasn't the case at all, huh?" 

"Lee, don't worry about it, seriously. It's fine, we're fine." I shake my head and pass by him to enter the bathroom. "I mean, I know loyalty isn't your first priority, but come on," I pause, and begin to brush my teeth. "I'm not a blonde hair blue eyed potential model. I mean that's not the point, but what I'm getting at," I finish brushing my teeth and wiped my mouth with a nearby towel. He continued to stare at me with my every move. "I'm not your type and you just feel bad for me," I conclude and walk next door to my room. 

"That's not true," He says, turning the corner, and following me into my room. 

I cut him off, "On the bright, I can tell all my friends that my first kiss was with Tommy Lee!" I say sarcastically excited. 

"That was your first kiss?" He questioned, sitting on the edge of my bed. I nod and sit down at my desk. I begin to apply light makeup. I knew that I was going to have to receive a bunch of condolences from strangers that knew my grandfather, so I had to look presentable. 

"You should go get ready," I tell Tommy, looking at him from the mirror. "We have to leave soon." 

"So you're telling me you don't want anything to do with me, in that way?" 

I ignore his question I so desperately wanted to answer. Now wasn't the time to talk about this, so I wasn't going to. I applied mascara and finished off my look with a red-pink lipstick that was vibrant to my black dress. "Don't ignore me anymore, I don't like my baby girl mad at me." He knew that calling me that pet name could make me smile at any time of the day.

I turn to stare at him, and crawl onto the bed, "Okay, Lee. What happened between us happened and it was just a kiss to you, and nothing to me, got it?" I poke his chest, making Tommy smile widely, his eyes fell to my lips, and back up to my eyes. 

"You're cute when you try to be intimidating." He chuckles and gets up. "Can you help me do my hair?" 

"No, you're a grown man, do it yourself," I say in a sassy tone. He puts his hands up in defense and walks back into the bathroom. 

In that instant, I, of course, felt bad for being so mean. I grab my hairbrush and went after him.


"To me, to you, to Grandpa Bill." My father raises his glass of whiskey. Tommy and I raise our glasses and clink it against each other's glasses. We down the last of my grandfather's whiskey, and slam the glasses onto the counter. My father hugs me tightly, kissing my forehead repeatedly. "It's just us, kid." He chants out pinky promise. A few years back we made up this saying, and when it came down to the worst, we would chant it. 

"And just us is all it is." I smile and hug him once more. I watch as Tommy embraced my father, patting his back. It was emotional to watch, my dad was going through the dirt, and he was lucky enough to have such a great friend like him. 

"I'm going to go out with Mary tonight, you guys can do whatever." He nods and places the keys back onto the hook that was on the fridge. "Tommy, no strip clubs with my kid, Ashton, no strippers around my best friend." 

"No problem, dad." I laugh and jump onto the couch. My father waves goodbye just before disappearing into the garage. I turn on the television and cover myself with a blanket. 

Tommy stands at the end of the couch, and looks at me, waiting for me to move my legs. I roll my eyes and do so. The Little Mermaid continues to play on the T.V., capturing my attention. 

"So you're out of school? Graduated?" 

"My ceremony is next weekend, but yeah, I've been out of school," I respond, focusing on the movie. 

"So what you're saying is that I need to stay another week to see you?" I scoff and laugh to myself. 

"What I'm saying is that my dad will send you pictures of the ceremony," I get up, and throw him the blanket. "Besides, aren't you missing your wife?" I emphasized saying wife, and walk up the staircase to my room. 

"Baby girl, don't be like this." 

"Be like what Tommy? You're nothing to me, just my dad's friend, okay? Give it up and keep it in your pants." I turn quickly, and I watch as Tommy's face falls into a frown. I sigh and instantly regret my words. 

"Look, I don't want to be your weekend lover, I don't want to be a part of your life like that. Okay? I'm inexperienced, you're not. I'm not intentionally playing hard to get, but that's the way it should be. I'm not going to take responsibility for being a homewrecker." 

"You don't want me, at all?" He asks, looked away, unable to face me. 

"Tom, I can't say I don't, but I can't say I do." 

"I'm just supposed to ignore this connection we have?" 

"It's simple." I shrug and turn to walk into my room. I hear Tommy mumble a 'cool' and follow behind, separating ways when we reach our rooms. 




my birthday is tomorrow im turning 18 but not celebrating it bc of family issues ( if u know u know) 


i need to finish my final YEET

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