wake up

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I wasn't in the hut, and I sure as hell didn't feel the same. The sun barely has risen, or lowering. I turn and pick up my phone.

"Hey, are you still having your graduation party next weekend?" It was Cameron. And I was utterly confused.

"Cameron, what're you talking about?"

"Uh, your graduation party? The one your dads been planning?"

"Cam, I had that party a week ago. Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Maybe I'll check ya later?"

"Yeah. Sorry, Cam. Check ya later." And with that, I hung up and jumped out of bed. I walk over to my desk and look at my calendar. "Unreal," I whisper. It was three days after grandpa died. How could this be? I was in shock.

It was all a fucking dream.

I felt like I could cry, but the shock had taken over all emotions. I didn't and couldn't believe this. There was no fucking way that was a dream. I felt that. Everything, I felt it all.

I shake my head and grab my robe. I throw it over myself and open my door slowly. I look at the door across from me. Tommy's in there.

I take a step towards it and knock on it. No answer. So I open it and look around the corner. The bed was made and there was nothing out of place. Tommy wasn't here.

You're kidding me. I was angry now. Tears were falling from my eyes. Those were real emotions. It happened. It couldn't have all been a dream.

I fall to my knees and softly sob.

"I know, Ash." I felt my fathers arms wrap around me as I cried. "I miss Grandpa too." He hugs me tight. I could only cry harder. But I wasn't going to tell him the real reason why I was shedding tears.

I stayed quiet for a bit. I sat at the kitchen island, enjoying a fruit salad.

"Where's Tommy?" I crack my voice. Maybe I wasn't entirely dreaming, and there was still a chance Tommy was still 'mine'. My father sipped on his coffee.

"That's a good idea to invite him to the funeral. You mother had placed his number in a yellow pages. It's in the office." He says softly. He walks over and kisses my head before walking off. My heart wrenches. I couldn't believe this. I just couldn't.

I checked every room, in hopes of finding any evidence that Tommy was here. That Tommy was still connected to me somehow.

Knock Knock Knock Knock.

Now, there was only one person who knocked four times. And that was Cameron.

"Come in!" I yelled from the top of the stairs. Cameron opens the door and he held a pair of skates and a blue floral dress.

"I brought you a graduation gift." He says, holding up that oh-so-familiar dress. He had bought it for me on our date...that I guess didn't happen.

I kept my composure. I couldn't cry over this anymore. "Thanks," I say in a shaky voice. "Come on up," I say before walking to my room. I fall into my bed and wait for Cameron to enter.

"So what happened this morning?" He asked, laying the dress on my bed. I turned so I didn't look at it.

"Just lost myself a little. Sorry if I scared you."

"Don't worry about it. So is Tommy coming to the funeral?"

I shrug and close my eyes in an attempt to stop the tears. "Will you call him for me? Just say I'm not feeling well, his number is in the phone book." I point at the Yellowbook on my desk next to my phone.

He does so, and I hear Tommy's faint voice through the phone. I silently sob into a nearby pillow. My head was hot, and I could barely breathe. I don't know why this affected me so hard, but it was. I couldn't believe this. I just couldn't.

"He said he'll be here soon, he's gonna go out for drinks with your dad."

Just like the dream. 

"Okay. Thanks." I mumble.

"I'll call you later. I'm running late for my shift. I just wanted to drop off the dress. I hope you feel better, Romeo."

"Thanks. See you later." He waves before leaving my room. I stared blankly at my wall. I can't believe it wasn't real. I can't process that it was fake.

The next morning, I took a shower and dressed. I had to get out of sight of Tommy. I couldn't mope about something that didn't actually happen.

Just as I opened my door, there he stood. His tall figure just like I remember. His scent just like I remember. His piercing eyes just like I remember.

"Hey, baby girl. Do you have any black polish? I chipped my nails..." he looked down at his long slim hands. My knees felt weak. I distracted myself from him and went to my dresser to fetch the black nail polish. I didn't speak a word but found Tommy his way to my bed. My stomach in knots and I hand him the polish.

"I have to go." My voice cracked. And I dart to my door.

"Ash, wait. Tell me what's wrong."

And finally, I released the pain. My tears instantly fell.

"Tommy. I fell in love with you. I fucking did. I dreamt of you and now I'm really in love with you. I can't do shit about it and I won't. So stay loyal to Heather and think nothing of me dammit." My breath was heavy, and tears covered my face. It felt good, in a way.

Tommy stared at me. Not in shock, but like he knew.

"So," he stood up and walked over to me. His large hand wipes away the tears. "You had that dream of us on the beach hut too, huh?"


Family Friend | tommy leeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora