nice seeing you

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The clock blinked 8:19 AM, and I jump out of bed as fast as I could in hopes of saying goodbye to Tommy one last time. I rummage through my closet and grab my robe and slippers. Opening my door to face the room across from me. I leap across the floorboards and enter the room, it was clean and empty. A wave of sadness took over me, I knew that last night was potentially going to be the last time I saw him for a week, but his touch was something I felt like I couldn't live without.

I brush my teeth and wash my face, before walking downstairs. The house sounded empty, saddens me even more. Walking over to the fridge, a note placed under a magnet.

Ashton, spending the day with Tommy and Heather in LA. The house is yours. By the time you're up we've probably left, call Tommy's phone if you need me. Love ya kiddo.

I grab an orange and walk towards the front door. Just as I grab the knob, it swings open, and there stood Tommy. I didn't know whether to express my joy of seeing him or play it off.

"Hey, were you coming out?"

"Uh, yeah, I was gonna go sit on the swing. What're you still doing here?"

"I told your dad I forgot my sunglasses, but I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh, well, bye," I say blandly and start walking out the door, I hoped he turns me around and kisses me, but knowing Tom, I wasn't sure he was going to.

"That's all, huh?" He says, leaning against the doorframe. "Just a simple goodbye?" He smirks, catching the drift almost instantly. I turn to him and nod.

"It was nice seeing you, Mr.Lee." I stretch my hand out for him to shake, watching him bite his lip and taking my hand. As he shakes it, he spins me around and pulls me to his chest.

"It's funny how you thought I was going to leave without a proper goodbye, baby girl." His hand finds its way under my robe, running his hands along with the straps of my nightgown. "Six days." He says, repeating what I had said last night.

"It's only a few days. Don't think much of it when you're with your wife." I say, hurting my own feelings.

"All I can think about is your moaning and your begging last night. No one compares to you." He says but in a serious manner.

I reach up and kiss his soft pink lips. His hands find their way to my face, caressing it.

I didn't expect my first kiss to be with someone like him. If anything, I wasn't expecting myself to be in this relationship. Could you even call it that?
It's been around three days since Tommy left, and since I last spoke to him. My dad came back that next day, and I've been occupying myself with Cameron, hanging out with him rather than staying home. If I were being frank, Cameron was really my only friend. I hadn't hung out with anyone from my high school, but they didn't budge either. Cameron was all I needed I guess.

We were currently sitting in front of a food truck. I watched at Cameron filled his face with street tacos. I ordered myself some fries and water. I rolled my board under my feet, and my thoughts wandered off.

What if my chance of being with Tommy was over? He goes back to his smoking hot wife and forgets about me. It's simple, I wouldn't expect him to call me, I'm nothing special to him. I was just a girl who could fulfill his hunger. I really need to stop hurting my own feelings, but hey, who walked into that room and kissed him?

"Earth to Romeo?" Cameron says, waving his hand in front of my face. I raise my eyebrows for him to continue speaking. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." I lied, and he snorts out a laugh.

"You're a horrible liar." He shakes his head and gets up to throw away his trash. "Tell me what's up?"

"I had my first kiss, but it was with someone I shouldn't have kissed, and I'm expecting them to give me attention but I highly doubt it," I confess, and it feels as if a pound of stress just fell off my chest. "He's with someone way more important than me. And I went for him, even when I knew he's with someone."

"And he kissed you back?" I slowly nod my head.

"Well, I don't see a problem with that, as long as you're not in love with him."

"I'm not. Well, I don't think I am. I guess it was my sex drive taking action because it's not me to just do that. You know?"

"Mhm," he mumbles finishing off his beverage. "Maybe I can test that, by taking you out somewhere?"

"Like a date?" Cameron nods in excitement. "I don't know Cam-"

"One date, maybe you'll get a different feeling, and don't think about that guy. I'll take you out after your graduation party."

There wasn't a reason to decline Cameron, so I didn't. He told me a time to be ready, and he was going to pick me up in his cool new motorcycle.
I made my way home after shredding for a bit at the skate park with Cam. I had just taken a shower and rummaged through my closet for a good graduation outfit. But I was out of luck.

After crawling into bed, I stared at my phone, practically begging it to ring. I wanted Tommy to call and tell me how much he misses me. But he wasn't going to and we both knew that.

I pick up the phone and dial his number. I surprised myself, remember his digits.

It rang...and rang...and rang. Just before I was going to call myself an idiot for doing this, the phone picks up.

"Everything okay, Ashton?" He asks, laughing. It confused me, but someone must've made a joke or something.

"Uhm, yeah. I was just wondering if you were still coming down for my graduation?"

"Oh, yeah of course." He says; the phone seemed to be distance like he had just dropped it or something. "Fuck, baby, one second." He moaned, clearly not talking to me. I was speechless, I didn't know what to do, say, or feel in that second.

"You like that baby?" Heather's voice moans, and that's when I knew I was invading their privacy-more so interrupting them. I wasn't jealous, I was hurt. I didn't have the right to, but I was.

I hung up and wiped the tear from my face. It was like he took back all he said that night, or he was lying to me. But who was I to blame?

Ring Ring!

I had that gut feeling it was Tommy. I picked up the phone and slammed it back onto the hook. It wasn't upsetting to me, but I was angry now.

Ring Ring!

Pick up, slam onto the hook, repeat.

Tears fell out now, angry tears. Hurt tears. He called at least another fifteen times, and I continued hanging up, just until I got tired, and left the phone off the hook, so it didn't ring anymore.

And to think, I love him.


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