Chapter Four

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After Severus had wordlessly led the way down spiraling tower stairs, through the courtyard and in the front doors –he took a left, moved only a few long strides down a corridor to a nicely sized room on the main floor. It opened almost right across the foyer from the staircases leading to the dungeons and the kitchen. Shannon sat down on the bare mattress and ripped open her letter. Severus had left in a whoosh of cloak, closing the door behind him, and she was now alone to take in the package of letters with the light of the small lamp beside her bed.

Hi Face!!

I assume by now you’re at Hogwarts, at least that’s where I told the owl to go. Have you sent any letters yet? Seriously hard to give these things directions, you know how much I dislike birds. Anyways, it’s probably been only a day or so since I left Severus’s house, for you anyways. For me, well it’s felt a whole lot longer! I know you like your details so I hope you’re comfortable hahaha.

Well you know I had to go back… well you know where I had to go back to, so anyways I found a safe spot back down by the river, and baby and I got ready to keep travelling over the long distance that separated us from where you were. Man that was a trip, it was awful, baby almost fainted again.

Anyways, it was SO weird being back and kind of sad being in that neighbourhood, thinking you know who was out there in the wizard world and that young you know who lived on that street as a you know what, and was about to lose you know who! I was actually almost sad for him!

Shannon shook her head and laughed. It was a very good thing she knew who all the you knows were, otherwise she would be completely lost in this cryptic letter. Alissa was of course talking about being back in a time when Voldemort was building power and seeing the neighbourhood where young Snape was probably off stalking young Lily. She sat back against the wall and leaned back before going on with the letter.

 I knew I had to get to somewhere safe, at least it was summer. It gave me time to find a shelter and then the shelter helped me find a job that would pay me just enough to rent a tiny place for me and Lyla. So for a few months, I worked hard at a little pub and saved every spare penny I had and while doing that I made sneaky inquiries trying to find out if there were any witches or wizards in the area. Man that was hard, but the worst was when I had Lyla out grocery shopping and she started saying “muggles muggles I see muggles“ at the top of her lungs. I about died, I mean it was funny but this is not the time to be yelling words like that, when who knows where you know who or his followers are. Thank God there actually was a nice old witch in the store who ran over to quiet Lyla.

Her name is Irma and she has been amazing, a lot like my aunt in some ways, very strong and supportive. She started watching Lyla for me while I was at work. She said she thinks Lyla has some magic which I just laughed at, since she obviously can’t be magical. Lord knows Jason wasn’t all that magical bahaha.

Anyways, it took a while and I let her know very little but with time she trusted me enough to let me borrow her broom one day. I did feel a bit bad for lying to her after all she’d done for us. So the next day, I packed up our essentials, all my spare money and Irma’s broom and left. That broom was everything to my plan, but I left some money for her on our side table, and a note saying how sorry I was and how much she meant to us. Sometimes I still think of her.

So it was the first week of November, I can’t remember the date but it was the Monday after Halloween and I knew the area where the big event was going to happen. I took Lyla there super early, before anyone was around and it was still that blue morning light before the sun comes. It was horrible seeing the area and then remembering the picture in that article of how it would look after. I wanted so badly to stop everything from happening but knew I just couldn’t. There was a pub on the corner with two stories, I thought maybe an inn or something above, and so I waited around until it was open and went in right away to see about getting a room with a window to the street. Cost almost everything I had saved, guy probably charged me more for carrying around a broom hahaha!! He probably thought I was totally mental… but then, he might be right!

Trapped In Time: Love's Secrets (Adult)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin