Chapter Twenty Seven

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“This doesn’t say the sixth Hagrid, it says the ninth” Shannon wasn’t surprised he had read it wrong, it was scribbled and messy, probably done on purpose by whoever was running this execution. That someone was in Lucius’s pocket and sending illegible notice that people couldn’t read therefore couldn’t argue seemed like a lowlife thing to do.

“Well tha’d be another few days we ‘ave together Buckbeak” Hagrid said sadly, tossing another dead treat his way. “I mighta told Harry it was the sixth, yeh’re sure it’s the ninth?”

She was positive and had come down to Hagrid’s hut to be sure of just that. The fact Remus was supposed to turn into a werewolf wasn’t adding up with the sixth, the full moon wasn’t until the end of the month but the ninth was a new moon and she remembered him saying something about new moons. “Yes I’m sure, that’s the last day of exam week isn’t it?”

“Well Friday we have tha’ summer feast ‘fore everyone leaves, but tha’d be the last day o’ actual exams.” He rubbed his great shaggy beard in thought.

“Disgusting Lucius ugh, too bad he’s not coming then maybe the executioner could just… slip…drop his axe…” brows furrowed in anger, she enjoyed imagining Lucius lose a limb or two.

Hagrid raised his eyebrows and then chuckled darkly “didn’ know yeh had tha’ in yeh.”

“Anyone who wants to hurt kids or animals is a disgusting subhuman and you should never let me near them. Lucius wants to hurt both; I wish I could watch him suffer.” It felt good to have something to really get angry about, took her mind off of the coming week. Currently, the professors had a week off while the students used that time to study so of course Remus had moved back into her room. Fortunately he had to remain available to students with questions so spent the days in his office.

“I’d like teh see ‘im suffer too but I’m glad he won’ be here.” Hagrid said thoughtfully. He didn’t want any more than necessary witnessing the execution.

“It’s going to be fine Hagrid, I’ll come see you the next morning okay? Just to say I told you so.” She was standing to leave but felt terrible for him and the worry he would suffer through. It was hard to keep in mind that he really didn’t know everything was going to be fine. In a way he was suffering the pain of loss the way she was with Remus. “And thanks again for doing the owls for me.”

“Don’ mention it” he smiled and walked her to the door. “Jus’ glad yer feeling better.”

The walk back to the castle was hot and humid and if this was how the beginning of June was, she shuddered to think what July and August would bring. Returning to the shady safety of her room, she began peeling clothes off to put on something lighter. As long as the students were around she had to stay dressed professionally but here in her room she could cool off and lay on the stone floor buck naked if she wanted to and right now, she really wanted to.

“Good afternoon my love” Remus said cheerily, pulling the door closed quickly seeing that Shannon was in a state of undress. “How was your visit?” He shrugged his blazer off and hung it by the door. Apparently the heat was getting to him as well; a sheen of sweat covered his face and the back of his shirt was damp.

“It was okay. Hagrid got the date wrong; it’s the ninth not the sixth and they are bringing the executioner. He’s worried sick obviously and didn’t seem to take the news that he had a few extra days all that well.” She was just pulling on a pair of shorts when Remus caught her around the waist and pulled her back against his body.

“A part of him probably just wants it over with; it’s not easy living with something that horrible hanging over your head.” He was stroking her soft bare stomach and kissing her neck.

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