In a relationship

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It's been a month since that incident happened. Seokjin has been trying everything and giving his 100% to make me happy and forget Namjoon.

It was winter so it was very easy to hide my cuts in my arms, nobody knew what happened that day except me and Seokjin.

Everyone have been acting pretty normal and you were really happy me getting into a relationship finally.

Today Seokjin is moving in with me. I helped him get his stuffs in my home. I was a pretty messy person, you could call it an artist problem.

After Seokjin was done setting his things he started cleaning my house right away. I strictly told him not to touch my art supplies. So he did the other chores, while doing it he found my panties and bras at the most unexpected places.

We both just acted so weird whenever it happened. His ears were red all the time and I quickly snatch it and hid it inside my closet. After it happened for the fourth time I told him to give up.

I cleaned the remaining part and put back the things back to it's place. We just sat on the sofa after we both were done. I glanced over at Seokjin and he was already staring at me.

He spoke "I should have just let the room just the way it was. I hope you didn't mind it." I shook my head "It was my fault and let's just not mention it okay?"

It was once again dead silence, but he muttered these words quitely "But y/n, now we're going to live together. We might encounter some things which we shouldn't have."

I ask him "So what do you want to do about it?" he replied "Let's make some rules."

After we were done making rules we sighed heavily. Seokjin will live in a different room so once again we have to move his things from my room to his.

You can tell we were actually not ready to move in together but Seokjin insisted it.

Knocking is really important in this house. We made it as a top priority.

We quickly moved his things to other room which I had as a guest room. It was quite a small room compared to mine. But at least we have our personal spaces now.

But what's the point of living together?

We both are so damn shy, it actually physically hurts to watch us interact with each other when we do something out of our comfort zone.

We both were really tired so we made our dinner quickly and then slept.

I don't know if Seokjin is helping me. I mean I do think alot less about Namjoon now because most of the time I have to think about the embarrassing stuff I did right in front of Seokjin and question myself several times why I did it.

But my feelings for Namjoon are still the same.
It still hurts.
I still feel ugly.

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