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I entered the café I used to bring my coffee from this morning and I stood across the cashier to order. I was opening my purse to get money out of it but then I found a familiar figure approaching the other cashier. I looked at him and I guess I was staring. He looked at me back and didn't seem to recognize me so I turned my head and gave the cashier the money then went to set on a table.

I put my earphones and drank my coffee looking out of the glass trying to focus on any other thing but him. but then I felt knocking on the table and ... he came to sit across me on the table. I was cofused and I couldn't act normal or look at him in a normal way. I couldn't keep the act cool thing and I finally drew a sort of pained expression because God .. he don't know what's happening to me because of him.

"Are you okay? Jane right?"

"Oh yes I am" I said, But I was about to cry "You are Park Jaehyung right?"

"Yes, but are you really fine?" He looked into my eyes very sicerely and said "I know it's wierd from me that it's our first time talking but you really can tell me what's happening even If I couldn't help, talking it out would make the stuff better"

I looked down to avoid those eyes that were begging me to talk and to blink away as much tears I could.

I looked up again and speaked "Just an argument with my mom, we yelled harshly at each other it just made me like that not a big deal, thank you for your concern"

I tried to maintain the lie with my expression but it seems like he didn't pass it, but I think he decided not to push me harder to talk.

"Parents arguements don't end, however hard it is it will pass I'm sure. You know? I spent two years not talking with that old man because he told me that my hair cut was ugly when I was in the seventh grade .. But the problem was that It was really awful" he said with a smile and that made me laugh.

"You see, and now he is the first person I take his opinion in every single thing in my life, life goes on you know?" He said and took a sip of his coffee and looked at the street out of the window.

I stared at his profile as I thought about it. If this was the reality. How could he come everytime? And how could he open up a subject anytime assuming that he doesn't know me and I'm usually not that welcoming to new people. But it really feels very different and unique with him. The whole thing about him is different and confusing. I was taken aback from the thinking when he turned his head and looked at me.

"So we didn't have a proper introduction sorry boo, I know I'm wierd to just come and talk to you like that" he said and scratched the back of his neck with his hand while smiling.

"Not at all Jaehyung, thank you, talking really made me better" even that you make me go through hard time talking to you had always made me feel better.

"Just make it Jae. Is that 'lost stars' you playing?" He asked about the sound that echoed through my earphones.

"Yes, you know it?" ... It's me who didn't know it but you sang it to me specially that night and now I listen to it to remind me of you.

"God I love it. Which music do you listen to ?"

"Usually not kpop, I really love maroon 5 and Coldplay .. Ed Sheera, those who I remember at the moment but in general pop rock is my favorite"

He stared at me a little then spoke "Okay, I guess we should be friends from now on give me your phone"

I laughed at that "What?!"

"I'm giving you my number and we are hanging out together and becoming hommies. Don't say you don't want to be friends with that formula of perfection sitting across you"

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