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"Oh, it's the first day for freshmen. Look at them, Tae, the little kids that are running around," Jimin coos, looking out the window, at the view of the front yard.

Snorting, Taehyung replies, "That was literally us last year."

Jimin just grins back, glancing at the clock. Then, he raises an eyebrow at Taehyung, who was looking through the photos in his camera, having just sat down on the floor. "Don't you have Physics at like eight?"

Taehyung doesn't look up but does furrow his brows slightly. "Yeah?"

"Well, it's seven-thirty."

Swinging his head up with wide eyes, Taehyung looks at the clock. Jimin's right. Panic floods in his system as he gently sets down the camera on his bed, changing as fast as he could into an appropriate pair of pants for class, grabbing his books, shoving it in his bag as he heads towards the door, waving at Jimin. "See ya later, Chimie~"

Chuckling to himself, Jimin waves back, looking back out the window to stare at the students walking by.

He wonders if anyone would meet their soulmate today.


"I'm sorry! Excuse me, I'm sorry," Taehyung frantically says, passing through the crowd of people to get to class a few buildings over. It's already seven fifty. He has to hurry up.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" He says, not looking back at who's foot he accidentally stepped on, not even seeing faces of people around him anymore, just a blur as he runs.

But suddenly, he bumps into someone, retarding his speed a little, letting him have a proper sight of his surroundings. Before he can mutter an apology, he lets out a gasp, eyes wide, looking around in shock.

Everything is grayscale. What he previously saw in color, suddenly desaturated completely, no color left to see.

"Hey, you okay?" the guy he bumped into asks, a worried look on his face. "Sorry for bumping into you," he says, but Taehyung barely pays him mind, just nodding in acknowledgement.

Then a realization hits. My soulmate! He looks around, swinging his head right and left, to get any glimpse of color. They must be nearby!

Forgetting all about being late for a second, he tries to find the person, the only one person in color he'd be able to see. But, before he can move from his spot, in search of the person he was supposed to spend his life with, colors fade back in, the world around him back to its familiar form. It's only within a certain radius of your soulmate that it stays grayscale, only your soulmate in color

He takes a second to process what just happened, slumping in disappointment as he looks at his watch. There's no finding them anymore, his soulmate could be in any direction.

Letting out a sigh, he resumes his run, slowly this time, a little shaken up at what just happened.


"Hey, Taehyung-ah-- wait, what happened?" Yoongi's bright greeting dimmed a little at the sight of a pouty Taehyung. "Come in, first." He steps aside, letting the younger in.

"Hey, Tae~" Jimin greets from the bed. Hanging out at Yoongi's dorm was normal occurrence. The two came over whenever they were free. "You out of class for today?"

Silently, Taehyung just nods, walking over and sitting down on Seokjin's -- Yoongi's roommate -- bed with a pout.

"What happened?" Jimin asks, noticing his behavior, scooting to the edge of the bed.

"That's what I asked," says Yoongi, sitting down next to Jimin, instantly reaching out to hold his hand so they could see in color.

"Well?" Jimin presses, really wondering what made Taehyung like this. "Why're you sulking?"

"'M not sulking," Taehyung murmurs, pouting even more. The other two don't say anything, letting him continue. "I... grayed out today."

This evokes a reaction, a big smile from Jimin and a confused look from Yoongi.

"That's amazing!"
"That's terrible."

Jimin looks at Yoongi, a scandalized look on his face. "What do you mean it's terrible?!"

Yoongi glowers, looking even smaller than he already does. He pouts as well, pointing at Taehyung with his free hand. "I mean... if he's sad, then... it must be something bad, right?" He reasons.

Jimin melts, smiling right after and squeezing his hand softly before turning back to Taehyung. "So? How did it go? Are they... mean?" he carefully says, almost saying the word 'asshole' but Taehyung wouldn't appreciate it being said about his soulmate.

Taehyung shakes his head, "No... Well, I don't really know... I didn't get to meet them..."

"What?" Jimin asks, blinking in surprises.

"Yeah... it was when I left in a hurry this morning. It was in the middle of a crowd, and I was late for class, and it colored like as fast as it had gone gray. Didn't get to see who it was." Taehyung sags his shoulders, still pouting, eyes cast down.

There's a beat of silence between the three before Yoongi slowly speaks.

"You realize... that you two go to the same university, and can find them again, right?"

Taehyung's eyes light up, "You're right! I'll see them again! I hope we cross paths again." And, instantly, Taehyung gets into a better mood, radiating excitement.

Smiling widely, Jimin nods, then lightly pats Yoongi's thigh appreciatively, sending him a wider smile. Yoongi can't help but smile back.

With a fake gag at the lovey-dovey moment between the couple, Taehyung starts walking out, "I'll go, then! I have physics homework today."

"Okay~ I'll come back a little later."

"Okay, use protection, you two," Taehyung jokes, but then knowing the two, it probably wasn't a joke.

"We will~" Jimin says back, laughing and waving as his best friend leaves the room.

Taehyung shudders as he walks down the hallway, knowing what the two are about to do next.

Then he shakes the thought off, thinking about his own soulmate instead. He wonders if he was going to also be sweet and cute with his soulmate, if they would be a good fit like Yoongi and Jimin -- probably, the universe decided they are a perfect fit, after all.

He smiles the whole way back

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