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Stepping into the elevator with a box, Taehyung sighs. Why does he have to help out with moving Yoongi's stuff into an apartment? Why can't Namjoon do it when he lives right under them?

Tapping his feet in annoyance, Taehyung looks at the digital display, the numbers going up slowly. Yoongi's floor is pretty high, the eleventh floor, so there's still a few seconds left.

However, as he's staring, the bright red seven turns grey for half a second, before it's back to being red again. Instinctively reacting, Taehyung presses the seven a thousand times, running out when the door opens on the floor, the box clutched in his arms as he dashes to the stairs. He skips his steps as he runs down, chanting please be there, please be there, don't you fucking move like last time, praying that the universe is on his side.

But when he arrives at the elevator area of the sixth floor, there's nothing. Looking at the other three elevator's display, he sees the one that was the farthest from the one he was in stopping on the first floor. He clenches his fists in frustration, wanting to throw whatever he was holding.

The frustration soon subsides, his muscles relaxing and his lips turning into a pout. A little upset, he walks over to the stairwell once again, deciding to climb up the rest of the way.

When Jimin greets him at the door, he still has the pout on his lips.

"What's wrong?" His voice is laced with worry as Taehyung walks in, setting the box down among other boxes. There's a rug laid down, but no other furniture yet.

"I greyed out today, again," Taehyung says, sitting down on the rug, folding his legs.

Sitting down next to him, Jimin sighs, "Did you not meet them again?" A nod. "Where did it happen?"

"Just now, literally as I was going up the elevator. I even got off, ran downstairs, but they'd already left!" Taehyung cries, looking exasperated. "When will they learn to stay still! It's like they don't want to meet me..."

Jimin frowns, then leans a little forward to gently pinch Taehyung's cheek. "I'm sure they want to. Maybe they just aren't ready, yet? Or, they just didn't notice? Let's not get hasty. You'll get the chance, again."

Taehyung, still pouting, nods slowly. "Okay."

"They'll come around, don't worry. You're bound to see each other, maybe it's just not time yet?"

This comforts Taehyung a little, the pout disappearing and his usual smile appearing. "Yeah. But, that doesn't mean I won't try to find them."

Nodding, Jimin grins, "Yeah, that doesn't sound bad."

Just then, the door clicks and opens. Yoongi enters, taking off his shoes before looking at Jimin, smiling a little and then questions the situation. "Why're you two seated like that? Aren't you going to help me?"

"I knew you wanted me just for my physical labor," Jimin says with a mock sigh before getting up and helping Yoongi out with the boxes that hold all his books and equipment. "Taehyung greyed out again, today."

Yoongi looks at Taehyung in surprise, "Again? You didn't meet them?"

Taehyung shakes his head, but then gets up, deciding to help out as well. "No, it's like they want to run away from me," the pout was evident in his voice, but he doesn't sound as hurt as he did earlier.

"Well, good luck, kid. I'm sure you'll meet sooner or later."


As the three are helping carry stuff around for Yoongi to his room - which did have a bed and other furniture, another conversation arose.

"So, what happened at Namjoon's?" Jimin asks.

"You know, the usual, but there was a new kid who wanted to meet him from my class. A freshman, but he'd heard of Namjoon's raps, and was a big fan. He left a little before I did though, he had to meet up with a group."

"That's cute," Jimin comments, and Taehyung nods to himself, not really a part of the conversation, but listening in intently.

"Yeah, he was like a puppy who was getting a new toy. You should've seen his eyes," Yoongi muses.

Halfway of putting up the books on Yoongi's bookshelf, Taehyung lets out a small groan of fatigue. "Can we eat now?" He complains, looking at the couple with pleading eyes.

Yoongi, who was nearby, looks at him, a little apologetic. "Yeah..." he quietly sets his things down, getting out his phone. It takes him a while to meet Taehyung's eyes again before he's asking, "You want anything specific?"

Taehyung brightens, eyes radiating happiness, knowing this is how Yoongi shows his care. "Panda Express!"

With a small amused smile, Yoongi nods, dialing and exiting the room to make the order.

"Ah, hyung has softened, that was so cute. What did you do to him, Jimin?" Taehyung asks teasingly, getting a glance at Jimin, who has been watching the scene with the fondest smile.
With a laugh, Jimin shakes his head in disagreement, eyes crinkling in happiness at the interaction between his best friend and boyfriend.

"It's nothing on me. He cares about you too, you know?"

Taehyung doesn't say anything, he just smiles. He knows.

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