Chapter 3

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Kikiyo's P.O.V

It took me 15 minutes of walking around to actually find the lecture hall. i was already late so i thought whats so wrong about  making an entrance, after all this was the class Kouta is in as well; this would drive him nuts. Just the thought of seeing his angry face made me all tingly with excitement and a big smile came across my face so i took out my electronic cigarette and turned it on and placed it in my mouth and took my wine cooler from my bag and walked into the classroom. As soon as i walked in all the talking stopped and the teacher stopped with his lecture and was walking over to me but i  was too busy  looking for Kouta's face which i found that was already seething with anger and i was laughing and then when i heard "Um excuse me Miss but are you part of my class ?" and  i turned around to face the teacher, probably if he wasnt middle aged he would be really hot, this was it.  

        Before i respond to his question i slipped the wine cooler back into my bag and took one draw from   my cigarette and blew out a little smoke in his face before i turned it off and placed it in  my bra  in front of him  then i took my sunglassesoff " Yes im your newest student, how do you do ?" and i placed my finger at the  opening of his shirt  and he seemed fidgety and i smiled  and all he could say was " What is your name ?"  " Kikiyo. Kikiyo Johnson, im Kouta's little sister " " Oh i see you're here on the roster, please have a seat any where" " Okay thank you sir, im looking forward to your lectures" and as just to make Kouta even angrier i did the traditional Japanese bow to show respect then  when i got back up i kissed the teacher on his cheek and fondled with his tie before i walked off  and took my seat beside this really cute guy and i smiled and winked at him saying " Hey wassup" as i sat down.  Then after a moment of awkward silence the teacher continued his lecture and after flirting with the guy beside me for a while i went to sleep for the remaining 2 hours for the lecture.  When i woke up i saw a very pissed off Kouta standing in front of me. " What dipshit ?"  " Seriously?"  and i laughed " Ohhhh, i was late and wanted to make a grand entrance "  " Oh you definitely did, and why did you do the Japanese bow that you wouldnt even do if mum asked you to " " Well isnt it obvious, i did it to piss the fuck out of you and bow you looking like a boiling dumpling" and i got out of my seat and grabbed my stuff " Well if you excuse me i dont have anymore classes so im going to try joining the kick boxing team" i heard him laugh even thought he is really pissed off. I wonder what the meaning of that was but i didnt care i just wanted to join the boxing club, it took me like 30 minutes to find where they met ......i swear this school was just way too fucking big to be walking about by foot like literally, they should provide some little scooters or something; maybe i would have to buy me one or a skateboard i really dont know but i finally pushed the door open and entered the room. There were about 6 guys over the exercise equipment and there were 2  more over the punch bags and this 1 guy on the bench probably taking a break and then i saw the hot guy i saw this morning at the front desk so i smiled and walked over to him and kissed his lips again and said " Hey sweet thang missed me ?" and i saw that he looked flushed and i laughed while one of the guys  asked " Who is that girl? never seen her before, is she your girl ?"  and he replied " What! no and she's new" then he turned to me "What are you doing here? are u stalking me now ?" " Um please, dont get full of yourself i grew out of that phase since 9th grade when they made it prohibited at school  but im here to join the boxing team" and as if i said something funny the entire room busted out laughing and it started to piss me off  " So yea who the fuck gave any one shit to laugh about !?" 

        "Oh little Miss sure got a mouth on her" this really tall guy came from walking out of a room said " Yea i sure damn well do and  its not just for talking too" then i winked and licked my lips and i could see alot of them swallowed hard and some looked the other way then i continued " Besides i wanna know whats so funny as to what i said about joining the boxing club"  he chuckled as he walked over to me " Listen sweet thing look around, do you see any chicks in here?" " No but do i look like i care?" " Clearly you dont but to put it bluntly we dont allow girls to join " " And why ?" " Because girls are too fragile simply put " " Is that so ? Then how bout giving me one of your best to test out?" He smiled then he started to laugh " You're so adorable sure i'll let you play around a bit but we have to get back to train soon so make it quick" i smirked and dropped my bags on the floor. Im not part Japanese for no reason, i took my shoes of and opened my duffle bag and pulled out my clothes and took off my clothes " Hey! what the fuck are you doing ?" " What does it look like ? Im fucking changing asshole" " You cant do that " " What does it look like im doing then ? Like could you shut it and let me continue, y'all behaving as if you've never seen a naked girl before" " and so i slipped into my sports bra and removed my belly piercing and pulled my hair back and as i continued though my bag " Oh fuck i guess i left my shorts, oh well i'll fight in my underwear" and then i slipped on my boxing gloves and carried my  mouth guard into the ring i sat on the apron " So whose going to fight me ?' " You must be joking  and look at what you wearing , you should just go home little miss" now that pissed me the fuck off because i hate when people think they we're better than me, i jumped off the apron and leaned over, i was ready to make them pissed  " How many of y'all fellas have girlfriends in here ?' and  out of about 25 guys only 5  raised their hands " Well i can see why, cause instead of having dicks and balls ya'll walking around with pussies"  I could see them getting really upset about that and one guy which i think was the captin said "Well since you can be such a trash talker , we'll let you go up against the best " Hey yo Stark get in the ring with the princess" i was ready now and looking to see who was Stark and when i turned around it was office dude, so that was his name ahh i see i walked over to him while he gets into his stance " Hey Stark, so thats your name,listen i really would hate to ruin this really sexy face of yours and to be honest i probably really wanna fuck you probably whenever your ready since your so hot and stuff , therefore i dont want to hurt you" i smiled at him and his face was the color of blood as he blushed after hearing me say such bold words in front of everyone then i turned around back to the captain " Gimme some one almost as good as him" ,  he nodded towards  Stark and he left the ring and then this huge bulky looking guy came in and now i knew i was gonna enjoy the hell out of this.

         I slipped in my mouth guard and the bell rang, this guy meant business and i was ready for him, he first used 3 sucker punches as me but failing to connect any and i tried for a jab but he blocked it and thats when he used a quick uppercut to punch me and i fell back a little and i could hear the guys talking about how they knew this was happening and i tried a low jab again and he blocked it so i decided since he was tall i would aim for his feet; and so i did a 3 kicks to his left leg before i did a leg sweep and tripped him so that he would fall over, then i dropped onto him and rapidly punch him in his face and  now i could hear the other guys silence as the scene changed.  He did manage to block my final punch and threw me off and he grabbed me by my hair and punched me in the face around 4 times and i could tell he broke my nose but i wasnt ready to give up and when he let go of me i used my glove to wipe the blood off then used my tongue to lick it off to show him i meant business and i did a flying round house kick knocking his mouth guard out and then i did another one before i did another leg sweep then sat on his left hand as i pulled his right one into a submission hold; i thought i had this one in the bag until he broke free then he flipped me over then punched me in the gut over and over til my mouth piece came out and i coughed up blood and i guess i lost consciousness all i heard was Stark yelling stop and then everything went black.

Kouta's P.O.V

I just knew she was gonna make trouble after i heard her say she wanted to join the boxing club, i should have told her that they dont allow girls to join but she probably would have went down there to start a fight so i allowed her to go find out herself, while at practice i heard some guys talking about a fight in the boxing room and i couldnt help but went over to them and asked what fight  " Yo Ron whats the fight about?" " I dont know i just know this really hot chick in just her underwear is beating the shit out of Micheal and she's not even conscious" " How did she look? " " Really cute, Japanese looking, has a few tattoos, has a really nice shape, hey she kinda..."  " Wait did you say she was unconscious?" " Yea dude like her eyes are like fish eyes when they are dead " " Oh shit !" and i ran off  and Ron yelled after me " Do you know her?"  and i yelled back, " Yes! she's my younger twin sister !" and he looked puzzled but i had to get to the boxing room and fast, i remember the last time she got like that and she almost committed murder .

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