Chapter 8

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Kiki's P.O.V

I heard my mothe's voice on the other side of the door " Who is that ?"  Stark whispered to me "  Its my mum?" " Huh!!!"  "  Same here , she should be in Japan" " What are we going to do he came from on top of me and started looking for his boxers "  Idk just hurry and get dress and hide in my closet" "Okay"  He hurried up off the bed and i threw his t shirt over to him and  then i looked for my clothes and put them back on and i heard her call my name again and i yelled " Coming okkasan , im looking for my clothes......i was sleeping naked" " Kikiyo! so unlady like " i shrugged it off and i saw Stark chuckling and i gave him and look and then i led him to  my closet, when i opened the doors he looked dumbstruck and in awe " Is this a closet or an entire bedroom " "  Nope my closet and its separated, in the back i  have all my  Japanese clothing for when family is here " he looked back at me like i was joking " Its a mini shopping mall " " Yea we will talk later but u need to get in fast " he laughed and gave me a small kiss on my forehead and i blushed and he went in and i closed the doors behind me then went towards my  room door, where she was. 

 I opened the door, she looked the same as when she left a year ago , how nice. "  Musume anata o dono yo ni ?" "   Hello okkasan and im doing fine and english please, our readers wont be able to understand " and i did my bow of respect. She came into my room and warmly smiled at me "  Okay and at least i can see that your room is way much better than when you were in high school, i can see that Kouta has made some progress with your training " " Yea i guess you could say that, but i personally think its because im not here that often with school and work you know" she smiled again and then sat on my bed, then i noticed that was on my bed .......shit it was the condom that we were using. I hurried over to the bed and sat down on it so that she wouldnt noticed and i took it as my chance to ask why she was here so suddenly " So okkasan, why are you here ?" " Cant i come and look for my precious children anymore ?" "  This is peak season for you and otosan, so whats your motives" " Aaaah always as sharp as ever i see, at least thats good, and im here to see your progress, and also to tell you that you have a marriage meeting at the end of next month with the 2nd son of the Fujioka  Financial Group. This is really important especially for  you knowing that your are not pure Japanese, so please consider this unless you have a boyfriend then i can see what i can do " she didnt finish what she was sayihng but just looked a bit sad and she was facing the ground before she continued " after all i didnt follow  my parents and  married your father, that i didnt regret though so do you have a boyfriend a?"  i  looked around and wonder if i should tell her that im single then  my eyes landed on  my closet door and i blurted out " Yes! in fact i do, we started dating not too long ago, he's my sempai( senior ) in the boxing club" i wonder if she would buy my story, while i was pondering   i just noticed that she was touching my hand and i  looked up "  Really? whats his name ?"   Shit i never expected her  to ask me more about it .  I was wondering whose name i could use and then Stark's name out naturally  "  His name is Stark? Very unusual name but thats nice , do you mind inviting him over for dinner tomorrow before i leave back for  Japan?" i laughed nervously and nodded and she got up off my bed and walked to the door and we carried on with what will happen tomorrow and i just wanted her to leave so i could  explain to Stark . When she finally left the room i ran towards my closet door and opened it .

I entered the closet and looked around  and i called out " Stark?"  and i continued deeper down in my closet but i still couldnt find him  until when i  got to the extreme back where my   Japanese clothes are kept " These are so cool" "You want one ?" "  Really?" His  eyes light up with amusment "  No you bum, and get out my closet i have something i wanna talk to you about and i need your help" .

We walked over to my bed and he sat down “This seems serious wassup” I never felt this nervous in my entire life since I graduated early from high school where I was normally bullied. “Um I may have kinda told my okkasan that I have a boyfriend while you were in my closet” as soon as I said that his face looked like it lost a bit of color and I saw his jawline tighten “You had a boyfriend? Why didn’t you say something before we did what we just did?” He looked away from me and got off the bed and walked towards my door and I got up off my bed and grabbed his hand “Stark!  Wait let me explain”, he looked back at me, and his expression was so cold he looked like a stranger to me and I was scared. He shook my hand off and said “And to think I was starting to like you and was happy that we shared such a memorable thing, don’t lead me on like that then tell me you have a boyfriend!”   I was in a state of shock when I heard his confession; he was starting to like me. The only thing I did  was when I saw him opening the door to leave I rushed at him and pushed him up against the door  slamming it close and he said  “ What are you……” before he could finish his  sentence I crashed my lips against his and he was trying to break the kiss but I was persistent and I continued to hold on to his neck and kissed him and tried to put my tongue in his mouth at first he was reluctant until he finally gave up and kissed me back and I heard him twisted the lock on my door and lift me up to him. He was much taller than I was so I had been on my tip toes and then he carried me over to the bed without breaking our passionate kiss and laid me down before he started to kiss my neck then back up to behind my ears and I started to moan when he nibbled on it and then I took the chance to tell him “Stark…….I don’t have a boyfriend……. In fact I told her that you were my boyfriend” I felt him stop and look at me directly in the eyes and had a long pause then I felt his lips crash against mine. It was like when we kissed earlier before my mum came I took it as he was okay with me telling her that.  It was a while after making out and groping when we stopped and finally I could explain myself “So wait you don’t have a boyfriend?”  He asked me and I shook my head “Nope for some reason they approached me but never stayed, I guess cause I looked easy but I wasn’t” “So am I really your boyfriend?” “I would love to because I kinda told my okkasan that I had a boyfriend and I gave her your name and she wants to meet you tomorrow at dinner” He looked at me dumbstruck “Huh? Wait what is an okrasan?” “Okkasan……and it means mother”.

“ Okay I’ll explain to you, my okkasan is a very important person in  Japan, her along with otosan….father, they own one of the biggest companies there with branches all over the world. I'm their only daughter and  because Kouta wants to do medicine, they respected his wishes and so they look towards me  as basically the heiress, ever since I was 15 I have been going to marriage meetings but they all failed because I'm not pure” “ Pure? Weren’t you a virgin until today?” “Yes, but not that pure, but that too, in Japan I'm no longer a married worthy woman, I would have to be reborn again” He looked confused so I continued “ Basically dipped in water at a temple” “Oh I see but what do you mean by pure?” “  My father isn’t  Japanese but my mum disobeyed her parents and well did what we did and got pregnant and so split our Japanese blood, me and Kouta I only half Japanese and the other half American, so most of the marriage meeting were failures cause the parents of the guys would always refuse to allow me to marry their sons because I will ‘ contaminate’ their blood line,  but now someone doesn’t care about and wants to marry me but I don’t want that because I kinda have some I already like” his expression went stone again “ Are we going about this again, why won’t you stop lea…….” I cut him off again with another kiss, when I pulled away I looked up through my eyelashes at him and softly said “It’s you Stark, I’ve liked you since the first time I walked into that office and kissed you. I like you a lot. Please take responsible”. Hesitant for a while he looked at me before he gently placed his hands on my cheeks then slowly pulled me towards his lips where he gently kissed me, different than all the other kisses we’ve had before and I couldn’t help but melt away in it until he pulled his face away from mine “I like you a lot too Kikiyo, will you officially go out with me” his grin was wide but his eyes were serious. All I did was smile, nod and hugged him and we kissed once more before we fell back in my bed and we laid there on my bed, under my blanket with our arms around each other.

Kouta’s P.O.V

I was really nervous, what was she doing I wondered, she never replied to any of my text, the only thing that took me out of my thoughts was when okkasan came down the stairs and walked over to me. She had a lovely expression on her face, at least that gave me some relief that she didn’t caught them “Hey Kou didn’t you know that you little sister had a boyfriend now?” “Really she does? That’s nice, so what are you going to do then, don’t we need an heir for the company soon?” “Yes but arranged for a meeting with her and Stark and over dinner I will see if he’s suitable else someone from my father’s branch family will be taking over and that’s the last thing we want for them to take all me and Joshua’s hard work be destroyed by them, besides I'm kinda happy she found someone she truly loves” “” Yea I guess you’re right, or is it just your weak spot for Americans?” I gave her a questionable look “no Kou go and study” I laughed and I headed up stairs I took the chance to stop by Kiki’s room, I knocked on the door and she opened after the 3rd knock, I walked into her room and saw someone under her blanket, someone blond and familiar, it was that blond guy that I saw at the boxing room.

  I turned to her and asked “So I'm assuming he’s your boyfriend now?” “Okkasan told you?” “Yea and we’re meeting him tomorrow?” “Yea, but he’s gonna have to spend the night here since its late out and okkasan doesn’t like us leaving this hour, so can you help out. Please please please please?”I sighed I figured this would happen” “Fine, by the way what did you do up here, and did she see him?” “I’ll leave what we did to your imagination, and no he was in my closet?” “And he came back out alive?” “Shut up bastard” she said and did her pout that I found funny all the time and so I laughed “So how are we gonna pull this off?” “ Well okkasan goes to the branch office every morning by 8:30am and we don’t leave for school until 10:30am,  I would say let him sleep with me tonight but you now she had this thing where she likes checking on us while we sleep even though we’re 18 now but any ways so like around 11:30pm I was wondering if you would let him spend the rest of the night in your room with you and when she leaves in the morning let him come back over to my room and maybe lend him a t-shirt”. My only reaction to what she just said was just a nod and my jaw hanging, she seemingly had it all planned out like wow, but I guess that’s her analytical side talking, it was brilliant. “Okay then we’ll see you guys, and try not to have any fun” I laughed as I left her room because of her blushing face.

My Twin Sister KikiyoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz