Chapter 9

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KiKiyo’s P.O.V

I looked through my window and saw that okkasan was pulling out of the drive way and as soon as her car was out sight I ran from out my room and over to Kouta’s where Stark was sleeping. I busted through the door without even knocking and i saw  Kouta on his bed and Stark was sitting in his computer chair and they were talking , it took them a while for them to noticed that i had entered the room uninvited, they finally noticed when i cleared my throat and Kouta turned to face me " You never knock before you enter my room" " Does it matter, its not like i would come in here and see anything different than what i see now" and Kouta sighed then Stark said to me " Good Morning Kikiyo" " Good Morning Stark and you can just call me Kiki, much shorter " i flashed him one of my biggest smiles ever and then i continued talking " Hey you can come over and take a shower in the bathroom and so we can get ready and go to school " " Okay" after his reply i walked out of Kouta's room and i guess Stark took up the clothes that Kouta lend him and they exchanged a few more words and then he came out of the room closing the door behind him and as soon as we got back to my room he gave me a short and quick kiss on the  lips then he pulled away. I was kinda sad but rather grateful, i watched him as he walked over to my bed and plopped down on it then he asked " Did you miss me ?" i walked over to my bed and sat beside him " Well ofc i missed you a whole lot, did you miss me ?" " I sure did, i even dreamt about you last night " i giggled a bit , not at what he said but how we resemble those overly lovey couples that would normally piss me off, but heck i think its because i was always single when i see them. I giggled some more in my head until my eyes glanced at the time and i saw that we were gonna be late so i grabbed my stuff and i told Stark to follow me through my closet to the bathroom " Wait we're going back in the mini shopping mall?" " Yes, its the only way we can beat Kouta to the bathroom" " Wait you can  go to the bathroom through here ?" " Yup but tell no, i got it done 3 months ago, a secret door" " Whoa thats cool, wait we ? We're taking a  bath together?" " Sure why not ? its a big bathroom, you'll see what  i mean when you get there" i heard him swallow hard and i couldnt help but laugh. I guess he isnt familiar with Japanese culture.

        When we slipped through the secret door in my closet i saw that the bathroom was empty so i knew we had beat Kouta to the bathroom, i took the chance to close the door for the bathroom and by i turned around i could see Stark standing dumbstruck looking around the bathroom, it told him its a massive bathroom.  My okkasan has a thing for  gigantic bathrooms, he wouldnt want to see the bathroom she has at our house in Japan. Basically a miniature house in there, i remember when we use to live in Japan, always get lost in there and i never knew that was possible but oh well. I walked back over to Stark and i tugged on his " Well you werent joking when you said i would see, are you sure this is a bathroom or a spa like ?" " Im not sure either, it thought a shower, a tub, a toilet and sinks would be okay with a cabinet but my okkasan has a thing for huge bathrooms" " Ahhhh  i see, well its really nice, so where should i take my shower ?" " Well which one do you wanna use ? You can have the shower, the tub, or the Japanese bath?" " Huh?  You know what i think i'll take what im use to, 100 for the shower please "  i laughed at his bad joke "  Okay then have fun, im gonna have a Japanese bath" and i walked away over to the Japanese bath section and drew the screen that was there that basically separated the entire bathroom. I hadnt had one of these in a while, but i didnt take a long time since we were press for time. Within 30 minutes both of us were finished and we met back up in my room dressed and i had my duffle bag packed for my training later. Then we ran downstairs and into the kitchen where i saw okkasan and she saw us " Kikiyo?"   Holy fucking shit, what was she doing here back and so sudden, i swore every words i could think of in my head " Good morning okkasan" " Good morning" and she looked at Stark up and down before she continued" Who is your friend ?" " Oh let me introduce you, even though its a little early but okkasan this is Stark my boyfriend and Stark this is my okkasan " "  Hello ma'am its a pleasure to meet you, i cant see where Kikiyo gets her looks from, your a exceptional beauty" i saw that  okkasan was flattered, at least Stark nailed it and he didnt do the Japanese bow but outstretch his hand for a hand shake and did that typical American accent, he's such a fast learner " Well the pleasure is all mine to have met such a handsome young man who is dating my daughter and no need for such a formal tone and you can just call my Yukio"  she said while shaking his  hand then i took the opportunity to leave the house " Well see you later okkasan, we need to get to school and fast" " Okay hun, have fun". I saw that she walked off with her cup of coffee and i sighed and grabbed my keys off the counter top and head for the garage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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