Chapter 4

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Kouta's P.O.V

After running for what seemed like a marathon, i finally reached the entrance to the boxing club training room, i could hear alot of noise coming from the inside and i hurriedly yanked the door open and slipped in and what i saw was horrifying; the sight of blood all over the ring and Kiki covered in most of it and i see this guy yelling at her and everyone looked pale faced.  I ran over to the ring and yelled her name " Kiki!, please stop" and i then before in could climb up in the ring, the blond guy that was calling her name beat me to it and i saw him trying to pry her hands from around the guy's neck but wasnt successful so i thought this would have been the perfect opportunity to go in and try and stop her but this was the first time  my words havent reached her, it would always work ever since we we're little kids and she would always get into serious fights.  By the time i reached her i could see the guy pleading with her and i got down on my knees beside him " Hey im her brother, how long have she been like this ?" " I dont like  a good 10 mins  being the shit out of him" " Holy Fuck this isnt good" " Whats not good ?" " Well the fact that she's been unconscious for that long and that my littler sister has the intention of killing this guy and i cant get to her, do you know anything she wanted to do really bad today ?"  when i mentioned that his face was an instantly bright red color and i really didnt want to know what she said, asked or did to him already in one day i just shrugged and wagged my eyebrows and he swallowed hard and then he turned to face her more and very unexpected but should have expected he kissed her; why didnt i figure out that she would make a move on a hot guy at school especially blonds  ( not in a homo way, and not saying that i have a problem with them but just clarifying things).

At first there wasnt any reaction just her dead cold expression but what looks like he put a little more warmth in it and passion and i saw she loosened her choke hold from around the guy's neck before dropping loosely to her sides and then her eyes closed and when he pulled away from the kiss he gently laid her down on the ring mat. " I dont know  why you did that nor what Kiki said to you but i kinda have some idea and thanks, by the way where is your captain, im going to have to fix all of this and in the mean time could you bring her to the infirmary and get her cleaned up ? " " Okay i'll get to her cuts....." "   And her body too Prince Charming, she's not gonna wake up for a next 2 hours and the blood is  gonna dry on her so please wash her off too " " Wait i have to take her clothes......." " Are you a virgin or something ? grow a manhood and do what  you have to do" .  With that i jumped from off the edge of the ring and went to look for the captain, i bet imma have to apologize for her and probably pay this guy's medical bills and compensate him so that he does sue, mum would just die if she found out we were about to be sued again because of a fight.  Shaking my head and whats up with that guy, i feel sorry for him as long as he's involved with my sister, but i really wanted to know what did she do to him already in such little time, but after all she's Kiki she can do major damage within seconds , just take a good look at this place, im probably gonna have to pay for in here to be cleaned and washed of the blood, ; she better pay me back after all of this.

Kiki's P.O.V

After everything went  black it was like there was a mini me in the back of my head in the darkness watching a flat screen tv fighting this guy. At first i thought i was just knocked out and i was picturing me beating the living shit out of him but then i noticed that my body felt heavy and then i came to realize that this was my subconscious and what i was doing was actually me doing it, it was back in middle school when i got into that huge fight and we had to move and change schools because of that. I wanted to cry, i never meant for things to get this far again, i better Kouta will be really disappointed in me  i didnt want to face him  and speaking of Kouta i heard his voice yelling at me begging me to stop but i never wanted to see his face of disappointment so i ignored it, i even heard Stark's voice; he too had to see me in such a horrific state, i just wanted to drown in my subconscious with no one to come and save me from myself. But someone did come, at first i wasnt sure of who that came to my rescue but when i felt this familiar pair of lips that i have taken by force twice already and also this very earthy smell i picked up who was my savior. It was Stark. He had willingly kissed me and i could tell that this was a meaningful kiss because is was warm and very passionate as if it was begging me to come back to him and thats what i wanted to do i wanted to come back, i would have to face Kouta and the other white faces that had witness my other side and of all people Stark, i bet after this he wont want to have anything to do with me. My will stop so that he wouldnt resent me more was strong and so i stopped and i felt as if i was returning back to myself and my body went limp. The only thing i heard was Kouta talking to Stark and then i felt someone lift me from the ground and started walking with me and that was it.

        After about 20 minutes the feeling in my body came back, and it was cold, apparently someone was cleaning the blood off me, but who would it be  , the school nurse? Wait no,because these fingers felt as if they belong to a man, was the nurse a man  or was it Kouta. By the help of my curiosity i forced my eyes open and when i blinked a couple times so that my vision would clear up i saw that the person that was cleaning my body was Stark; and his face looked rather uncomfortable when his hands came near my chest of to my lower half and i felt bad so i opened my mouth " You can stop there, you dont have to do this anymore" i saw that he jolt to my voice, i guess he wasnt expecting me to wake up so soon, he looked at me a smiled then sat at the foot of the bed " Finally i've been waiting for you" i kinda blushed a little then i turned away from his gaze " Im sorry" " For what ?" "For what yo had to see today along with everyone else, i just wanted a fight, i never thought he would go as far as to knock me unconscious" " Oh that, yea everyone was shocked when they saw you got back up, we thought that was it, and you basically left him half dead" " and thats a good thing ?" " Not necessarily but it was rather awesome for a girl, its a good thing i wasnt in the ring with you , cause you probably would have damaged my pretty face " and he smiled which made me smile and blush at the same time" Well your welcome" " Just saying" " By the way do you see my brother?" " Oh he stayed behind to take to the captain" " FUCK ! im so dead when i get home " " Why ?" " Because i made him a promise i wouldnt make this happen again" " Again?" "  Yea i guess he didnt tell you off what happened in the pass" " Nope, do you mind sharing ?" "Not really since you already had to witness this, but it happened when i was in middle school, being smart , multiracial and athletic all the same at once, it sparked alot of jealousy in the girls especially when i was popular among the guys because i was a tom boy and so this group of girls invited me at a sleep over and i was super excited because this was the first time i was about to make friends with girls my mum was happy for me and so she brought me over to the house, but i wasnt invited for the sake of them being nice but they wanted to beat me up and had her brother rape me, and in the struggle one hit me in the head and i lost conscious and like a switch i got back up and just like what happened today happened to those girls and the girl that had invited me over to her house i strangled her to death and i was about to the same to her brother who was going to rape me but then her mother came running to the room and called the cops and i was arrested and questioned for months because the girls and her brother lied that i started beating everyone up and my father requested a lie detector test for me so that we could end this thing, and when they ask me what exactly happened and it was revealed what actually happened, her brother was sent to prison and the other girls were sent a special school and for me i went through 3 years of rehab to suppress that side of me and when i was finish my parents had spent alot of money to have my criminal record burnt and the fact that i had killed someone and we left England and moved to the United States and here i am 7 years since the incident" when i said the final sentence instead of saying anything he rushed over to me and hugged me and i couldnt help but let the tears run from my eyes, this was the first i have allowed anyone outside my family to know such a dark secret and to have them treat me like this, i just hugged him back; and when he started to pull back from the hug he slid his hands through my hair and held my by my head and said " Im sorry you had to go through all this, but just know i wont judge you in what you did and no one else would" and i sniffled and nodded my head then said " Thanks i needed that but if you tell anyone that you saw me cry i will kill you" he smiled and said "Point taken " and just as we we're about to lead in for  a kiss Kouta came in the room and said " Well i got your shit sorted out Kiki" and when he fully came in he noticed the atmosphere and how Stark's face looked embarrassed and mine was pissed off and he said " whoops did i interrupt anything? " " Dipshit " and i threw a pillow at him and Stark laughed. 

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