2. Intentions of Spying

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Once Cas started thinking about Dean, he couldn’t stop. He saw a dog and thought of Dean and that fluffy beast that had attacked him. He drank coffee in the cafeteria and wished that he was sitting in a comfortable silence with Dean smiling to himself across from him. Cas went through classes without really paying attention. His professors all asked him if he was feeling okay and he nodded and smiled at them as he wandered off, head in the clouds.

Once again, Cas was dreaming of Dean. There was a sense of urgency in the dreams. As if Cas had to protect Dean from something very big and very bad. He didn’t know what, but the events in his dreams were quickly taking a bad turn. Cas and Dean were fighting. Then they weren’t talking, and when Cas woke up, his cheeks were wet with tears and he was panting.

As he pulled himself out of the bed, he groaned and lifted up his shirt. His stomach was patchy and bruised and looking around the room, he noticed a few things had fallen from their usual places. Cas got dressed and limped outside.

Balthazar sat in the hallway, drinking from a flask, a silly look on his face. Drunk already. “Wow… you look like crap,” he said and Cas just rolled his eyes and staggered past.

He prodded at his stomach as he walked, wondering if he should put an Ice pack on it or something. He decided against the idea. He’d just go for a walk until he felt better.

“Hey, angel boy!”

Cas turned around as he walked towards the café, trying to ignore the cold that came along with forgetting to wear a jacket.

Dean was smiling and sauntering across the road towards him, earning an angry honk from a car that he forced to stop. He chuckled as he got to the other side and clapped his hand on Castiel’s shoulder.

“Hello Dean,” Cas said and felt his ears burning.

“You okay, Cas?”


“Right…. Yeah…. Um…  You look like you’re in pain…”

Cas shifted his gaze, staring down at the plain old concrete path. “I just had a rough night.” He winced and shivered at the same time and his teeth began to chatter.

Dean smiled softly and gave him a little nudge. “Come on, want to see my baby?” He grinned mischievously as he tugged lightly on Castiel’s sleeve. He looked like a little kid, eager to show off a new toy.

Dean’s ‘baby’ was sitting in a garage with a small store out the front. Dean announced that it was his. Well, he worked there anyway, by himself most of the time. The car was black and shiny and was blasting classic rock when Dean and Cas arrived.

“It’s… uh… nice….” Cas mumbled. He didn’t know anything about cars.

“She’s beautiful!” Dean rubbed the bonnet of the car affectionately. “1967 Chevy Impala,” he said and looked up at Cas as if for approval.

Cas took a step back. His foot landed on a tube of metal and he slipped, crashing back into the work bench and sending things flying.

Dean burst out laughing and held out a hand to pull him up.

Cas took hold of it, but when he tried getting to his feet, he merely succeeded in falling back down again, dragging Dean down with him. Cas laughed breathlessly as Dean hovered over him, his eyes raking up and down his body. Cas took a deep shaky breath and tried to calm his heart, which was rapidly speeding up.  He half closed his eyes and lifted his head up a bit so that he was closer to Dean.

Dean rolled to the side, panting slightly, and eyes wide. “Let’s try that again, shall we?” he whispered, a smile in his voice. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, streaking oil along it.

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