Part 2 - Cinderella

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"Enough!" Aman ordered, as a matter of fact, I was his boss but he wouldn't stop ordering me like it was vice versa, what was it, my fifth glass so far and he thought I was too drunk to handle myself.

"Oh come on, it's a Saturday night, let me have fun." I rolled my eyes at him, Aman could really be irritating at times, he wouldn't stop glaring at me because I wasn't listening to him so I chose to walk away from him to avoid the angry glares he was throwing at me, I settled down on a couch in the corner as I glared at the beautiful girls dancing a few feet away from me.

As I kept on looking at the huge crowd of people that were happily dancing and enjoying the music that the dj was playing which was quite good, my eyes stopped at this one girl.

She had just walked on the dance floor accompanied by her friend whom I dint care about because my eyes were stuck on her and the gorgeous white dress she had worn that hugged all her curves perfectly. She ran her hand through her hair flipping it on the other side and moved her body in rhythm, damn this girl had some pretty good moves.

She was laughing about something her friend had just whispered into her ears and that laughter was so beautiful, I knew I wasn't ever going to forget it no matter what.

She continued conversing with her friend while they kept on dancing and enjoying it, she would keep turning her hair from left to right, and she wouldn't stop smiling or laughing about everything her friend said to her.

She seemed like a really happy person, as if everything in her life was fairytale perfect, only if things like that did exist though.

I placed my glass on the table and stood up, this girl was absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't stop myself from wanting to talk to her.

I wasn't really sober but I wasn't too drunk either, so I stood where I was and stared at her making up a conversation I was going to have with her in my mind. I wasn't really sure what I was going to say, I couldn't trust the drunk me, at times I had the most cheesy pickup lines to say to the girls when I was drunk.

I planned a perfect conversation in my mind as I continued staring at her, she was being oblivious about the people around her and dancing like she was really enjoying it, she was breathtakingly beautiful. I mean I literally lacked words to explain how beautiful this girl was.

I made my way towards her knowing that no matter what happened, I wanted to talk to this girl, there was something about her that had knocked me off my senses.

I stumbled through the people standing at each and every corner trying to make my way towards her but before I could, I saw her turn around and leave with her friend, I tried to follow her but I was too drunk to even walk properly so by the time I was out of the club, she had disappeared.

"Damn it!" I kicked a soda can that was lying on the floor.

Just when I thought something about a fairytale life, life actually threw a sort of fairytale at me, how was I supposed to find Cinderella when she hadn't even left her glass shoe behind?

I knew absolutely nothing about her, not her name, neither who she was nor where she lived, but one thing I knew for sure was that she was stuck in my mind because all I could see was her, the way she danced, the way she laughed, everything about her was just, so beautiful.

"What are you doing out here? Planning to leave already? Come on it's just midnight." Aman said as he joined me outside.

"I was just... nothing, let's head in." I said as I headed back inside with him, I dint really want to tell him about Cinderella because I knew he was just going to laugh at me like I was stupid or something. So like he said it was just midnight and Aman and I were the kind of people who rarely went out on weekends and if we did we left after everyone else left.

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