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"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!! He did it again!!!"

Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Not again, and why does Kai have to be so loud in the mornings?! I know he's a germaphobe and all but seriously it's just bed wetting that isn't even in his bed.

Upon entering the shared bedroom I can see that Kai has pressed himself into the furthest corner away from the room's other occupant. In the other bed, with an apparent wet spot, was another small boy with his face buried in his hands. I couldn't help but feel bad for little guy since he'd already been through so much.

In addition to being top heroes, my partner and I adopted children that came from...rough backgrounds, and this boy's was the roughest by far. But there's one thing about abuse that's always been apparent and that's the fact that you can only push a person so far before they push back and snap.

"G-Get him out of here!"

"Oh will you relax Kai, it's just a little urine not the bubonic plague."

"Do you know how nasty that is?! There's bacteria, and acid, and-"

"And you do it too, so quit complaining and go wake your papa so he can clean up while I deal with this."



Of course he had to be overly dramatic and make sure his mask was on securely before complying with my command, but eventually he did leave to go wake Kacchan. Once we were alone I crouched down in front of the still crying boy and smiled.

"It was just an accident, we all have them Tenko."

He kept crying so I just sighed and scooped him up into my arms and kissed the side of his head before carrying him to the bathroom. While the water ran. I could hear Kacchan whining about being woken up and Kai just continuously whining about bacteria, fungus, and other yucky things that make our skin crawl if we could actually see it. Thank god we couldn't.

Tenko was stripped and placed in the water in a matter of seconds but instead of splashing around or begging to get out like a normal child, he just sat there and stared off into space with puffy red eyes. I didn't say anything more since I knew I wouldn't get anything other than a few nods and head shakes here and there. I just settled for lightly scrubby his back with his sponge and sighing at the marks that riddled his small back.

As said before, Kacchan and I took in two children who came from less than ideal homes. Kai was the first and at the time I thought he would be the last since he and Kacchan barely got along in the beginning. He'd been rescued from the Yakuza and placed immediately into foster care, but Kacchan and I had different ideas from the spitfire we now call our son. But it wasn't easy at ALL! With two conflicting personalities and knacks for violence, they both butt heads and always seemed to put me in the middle of it. But eventually they warmed to each other for my "sake".  I literally had to fake being sick to bring them together. Tenko though...he was another story.

Sure we have gotten Kai from the Yakuza which is probably as bad as you think it is, but Tenko had to be literally rescued by us. It was during the final battle with All For One, Kacchan and I were the only ones left to stand against him and his forces and it seemed like it would be the end of us. At least that's how it felt up until the villain began to scream in unholy terror as his body seemed to break open, bleed, and crumble into nothingness. We were confused at first but then we saw other was a little boy standing where All For One once did with his tiny, malnourished hands outstretched.

As it turned out, he was a descendant of my mentor's mentor that had been kidnapped and renamed Tomura Shigaraki by the ancient villain for dastardly purposes. The boy had been kept separate from other human beings except for All For One and was beaten and tortured on the regular for the sole purpose of "making him stronger". As a result of that he was fearful of other people and flinched anytime someone raised a hand or moved in his general direction. In fact it wasn't until a nurse tried to forcefully remove his shirt that we caught another glimpse of his quirk.

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