A White Night Fury

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The sun shone through the curtains that swayed gently in the morning breeze, waking the brown haired woman from her slumber. Her brown eyes cracked open and she groaned, rolling over to look at the clock on the bedside table. 8:30. Her eyes widened and she sat up quickly, nearly falling off the bed in her haste to get up. How had she slept in so late? Her mind whirled as she tried to think of a reason as to why she slept so late? A knock jolted her from her thoughts. "Come in." she called. The door was pushed open and the scarred face of her best friend, Jade smiled at her warmly.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Jade giggled, stepping into the room. In her hands was a tray of fresh toast with jam, a cup of coffee beside it and sausages with bacon. Lara smiled softly as Jade walked over to the bedside table. "Did you sleep well?" the white haired young woman asked, carefully setting the tray down on the table and handing Lara the coffee. The brunette took it with a smile.

"Yeah, but I slept in." Lara pointed out, gesturing to her bedside clock, Jade glanced at it, 8:32. "So?" she asked, shrugged her shoulders as if the words didn't bother her.

Lara sighed. "Never mind. Have you gone out flying with Shadow yet?" she took a bit of her toast, grinning as the jam hit her tastebuds. Jade nodded. "Yeah, bloody dragon woke me up at six this morning, eagerly waiting for me to get up so we could go flying." she grumbled.

As if on cue, the black Night Fury dragon poked his head inside the room, green eyes narrowed on his rider. For he heard what she said. Snorting in dismay, he entered the room and swung his tail, smacking his human upside the head. "Ow!" Jade rubbed the back on her head as she glared at the dragon, who stood with a look of innocence on his face, as if he was trying to say he didn't do anything. "Oh that's it." Jade leapt at the dragon, hooking her arms around his neck as she attempted to wrestle with him. Shadow grumbled as his human tried to wrestle him to the ground, but he was far stronger than her, so he just responded by flipping her over and pinning her to the floor with his paw on her chest, staring at her with a 'You can't wrestle me too easily' look on his face. Lara laughed at the sight, it always made her smile at the bond Jade and Shadow shared.

She wished that she could have a bond as strong as theirs one day. Finished with her toast, she moved on to eat her sausages and bacon, enjoying the taste. Once done, she slowly drank her coffee, reviling in the nice taste as it warmed her body and woke her up. "After breakfast, I'm gonna go for a walk in the woods."

Shadow let his human up and she climbed to her feet as the Night Fury nudged his head under her arm, cooing happily. "Okay. Want me to hold down the fort while your gone?"

"That'd be great, thanks baby girl." Lara thanked. Jade smiled, the left side of her face and neck horribly scarred when she and Shadow tried to take down the Queen dragon back in his world a couple of months ago. They won, but Jade was knocked from his back and falling into the flames, Shadow saved her, but it came with the cost of the left side of her face and neck horribly burned with three degree burns.

Jade and Shadow left the room to let Lara finish her breakfast. Once she was done with her coffee, she got dressed in a pair of old jeans, a grey shirt with a leather jacket overtop and a pair of brown boots. She pulled her brown locks into a high ponytail. Satisfied with her appearance, she left her room after making the bed, grabbing the tray on her way out and walking down the stairs into the kitchen, disposing the tray and her cup in the sink before she headed out the front door, shutting it before her after saying good morning to the four wolves and Jade's dragon siblings, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion.

The birds sang sweetly in the trees as a light breeze swayed the leaves of the forest when she walked down the path, admiring the quiet of the forest. She loved being outdoors, especially when it was in the woods.

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