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Lara's mind kept reeling as she lay in her bed that night, thinking about the second encounter with the white dragon she now dubbed a Light Fury, because it was close to a Night Fury species, but white in colour, hence the name Light Fury. Was it a girl or a boy? From the way it moved, Lara was going to take a guess and say it was a female.

She just couldn't believe she had helped it, no she, after the bear attack! And the fact she let Lara get close was shocking to say the least! She clearly was distrustful of humans and was wary of them, but could Lara possibly be able to earn her trust? What did you do to gain a dragon's trust?

Sitting up in her bed, Lara swung her legs over the side and stood up, walking out of her room and heading to Jade's. She knocked twice on the door. "Jade, are you awake?" she called through the wood softly.

A few seconds passed before she got a reply. "What do you want, Lara?" Jade's sleepy voice sounded, it was obvious she had just been woken up and Lara felt a pang of guilt strike her heart, knowing it was her fault for waking her baby girl this late at night. Pushing the door open, Lara stepped inside to pitch blackness that was evaporated by the lamp on Jade's bedside table switching on, bathing the room in a soft glow. Jade sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes and giving Lara a 'You better have a good reason as to why you woke me up at this time of night' look on her face. Shadow, too, was awake and glaring at Lara.

"Excuse me? We're trying to sleep!" the Night Fury huffed in annoyance, flopping back down on his stone slab and covering his head with his tail, blocking out the conversation he knew was to come.

"Sorry to wake you, baby girl. But I have some questions to ask you." the brunette apologised as Jade yawned.

"What questions?" Jade grumbled, rubbing her tired eyes, she did not appreciate being woken at 11:37 at night!

Lara sat down on her bed. "How did you train Shadow when you found him?" the question threw Jade off. She raised an eyebrow at Lara, baffled as to why she would ask such a question? Then it hit her! "You saw that dragon again, didn't you?"

"Well, it was more like I found her and-"

"Her?" Jade cut Lara off, confused. Shadow lifted his head when he heard that, ears perked up and at full attention to what Lara was saying.

"Yes, her. I found her in the woods, fighting a massive brown bear. The bear broke her wing and wounded her, but she managed to drive the bear off. I knew that I had to help her and set the wing using a few sturdy tree branches and some vine to bind the splint." Lara explained gently.

"Poor thing." Jade murmured softly, her heart going out for the dragon. "So you want to know how I trained Shadow, huh?" Lara nodded.

"Are you thinking of bonding with the dragon?" at Lara's nod, Jade sighed. "Well, you can give it a try, but please be careful. She may be grounded by her broken wing, but she is still very dangerous. Just take it slow. Give her fish if she can't hunt by herself. Draw her in the dirt if you can."

"Is that what you did with Shadow?" Lara questioned and Jade nodded. "Yeah, I fished for him and drew him in the dirt. It got his attention and we began to bond. It might work for you and this dragon, but she is wild and wary of humans, as you said when she flew away from you. I just ask that you be careful and approach this slowly." the Snow Queen advised gently, taking hold of Lara's hands tightly in her own.

Lara smiled gently. "I promise to be careful and if it backfires, I'll never do it again. I swear." Jade giggled softly. "I know. I trust you, Lara. Now will you let us go back to sleep?"

The brunette laughed. "Sure, baby girl." she pressed a soft kiss to Jade's forehead. "Sleep well." Jade nodded, slipping back under the covers as she switched her lamp off. Shadow cooed as Lara also said goodnight to him before she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

The Light Fury and the ArcheologistWhere stories live. Discover now