Final Showdown

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A few days after the explosion of Croft mansion, Lara, the four wolves, Alisha and the dragon's were laying low in the smaller mansion outside the city, keeping quiet. So far, nothing had happened nor any men come by yet, which was a relief.

Lara was seated on the couch, Alisha curled up to her side, head resting on her shoulder as they watched a movie on the tv with the three hatchlings cuddled up to their laps and the wolves, Shadow and Opal lying in various areas in the lounge, watching the movie with the two.

But Lara's mind wasn't on the movie, it was elsewhere, so many thoughts running through that she couldn't concentrate and watch the movie. Sighing heavily, she turned it off, gaining everyone's attention.

Keena was the first to speak. "Are you alright, Lara?" her brown eyes shone with concern for her human friend, wondering if she was okay or not.

The brunette looked at her family. "We need to end this, today!" she spoke firmly. The wolves knew exactly who she meant and they were with her.

"This can't go on any longer. Someone will be hurt!" Lara spoke firmly, glancing at each of them. They all faced her with firm looks, ready to help any way they could.

"We need to hit him hard tonight!" Lara told them, eyes filled with determination. Barks and roars of agreement rang out through the room. Alisha grinned. "For my mum!" she raised her hand in the air.

"For your mum and Opal!" everyone shouted before Lara headed up the stairs to grab her gear and get ready as Alisha trailed behind her.

Lara began to change into some worn jeans, a loose shirt and old jacket. "Aunt Lara?" the brunette paused in strapping the gun holsters to her thighs and looked up to see the teen standing in the doorway, watching her. "Yeah?" she asked, walking over and standing in front of her. "We will beat him, won't wee?" Alisha questioned, her tone dancing on hope as she gazed at Lara. The brunette's gaze softened and reaching out, she brought the teen into a tight hug, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "Of course we will. Your mum will be avenged, I promise." releasing the teen, Lara ruffled her hair, causing Alisha to grumble and push the woman's hands away with a smile. After their little giggle rest, Lara sent Alisha to finish getting ready.


Keena's paws thundered on the grass as she ran towards the warehouse, Lara and Alisha on her back, both wearing black jackets to help blend in with her dark fur as Soren, Maya and Hugo followed her lead. Shadow and Opal were flying above them, Lara had left the automatic fin on Shadow so he could fly by himself, but just because he could fly solo didn't mean he would be doing it often after all this. The Night Fury glided beside Opal, who made a noise of worry for Lara and Alisha's safety.

Keena slowed to a walk as the warehouse came into view, hiding behind a building and peeking around the corner as Lara readied Jade's bow, nocking a explosive arrow to the string and pulling it back to her left cheek. "This is for our home!" Lara hissed, releasing the string, which snapped back at the arrow, the force propelling it into the air, flying through the sky and striking the wall, a few men went to investigate as Lara pulled out a device and pressed the red button!


The wall exploded in a fiery explosion, killing the men standing near it and creating a hole in the wall in the process. Lara fired another arrow, killing a few more men before she grabbed her guns and ran around the corner, firing bullets at the mercenaries that charged at her, only to be gunned down by the hail of bullets. The wolves ran out and started to knock men down for Lara to kill as Shadow and Opal fires their blasts at the warehouse, blowing more holes in the walls and drawing the men out!

Lara reloaded her bullets and resumed firing as Hugo kept Alisha safe and out of danger in the woods, watching the chaos that unfolded before them. A bullet whizzed past Lara's head and she turned to see a furious Maxwell firing at her with a few of his men doing the same. She ducked behind a small portion of the wall, peering out to fire at him, but she missed!

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