Visiting Jade

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(This is what Jade looks like. Just imagine the left side of her face horrible burned. Sorry if any of you were wondering what she looked like.)

Shadow lay peacefully on his stone slab, fast asleep. But he was not alone. Opal lay with him, cuddled up to his side with his wing draped over her sleeping body. After their date last night, Shadow had taken her home and they'd fallen asleep together on his stone slab, cuddled up to each other.

It was a warm day and the sun shone through the icy blue curtains connected to a pair of glass, sliding doors that led to a small balcony, only big enough to fit two people. The clock on the bedside table read 9:43.

Shadow began to awaken, his green eyes slowly opening before he let out a big yawn and glancing at the still sleeping Opal, he smiled softly, she looked so pretty sleeping like that. Slowly rising to his feet without waking her, the Night Fury padded out of the room and headed down the stairs where he found Alisha eating some cereal and watching TV. Cooing to announce his presence, he curled up around the young teen, resting his head on the floor side her left knee. Alisha smiled and stroked his head, getting purrs from the black dragon. The pair sat in silence as Alisha's favourite tv series The Power-puff Girls began to start.

Ten minutes later, Lara wandered down, rubbing her eyes as she yawned, spotting Alisha and Shadow, their gazes glued to the tv as another episode of power-puff girls began playing. The brunette chuckled, heading into the kitchen and filling the kettle with water, she set it going as she grabbed a mug from the cupboard above her head and took a teaspoon from the cutlery draw, spooning one spoonful of coffee powder and sugar into the mug, pulling out the milk from the fridge, she poured a good amount into the white mug. Replacing the milk cap, she returned it to the fridge and stirred the milk, sugar and coffee powder together, mixing it into a nice coloured liquid as the kettle finished boiling, she poured the hot water in, stirring constantly as she did.

Putting the kettle back on it's stand, the brunette finished stirring the coffee and put the spoon in the sink. Grabbing out a box of Weet-bix, Lara put three into a bowl and added some milk, sprinkling some sugar onto the cereal before she grabbed the bowl and her mug of coffee, heading into the lounge and taking a seat beside on the couch, as Alisha sat on the floor on a cushion with Shadow curled around the teen.

She dug into her breakfast, eating it in five minutes before putting the now empty bowl on the coffee table as she blew softly on her hot coffee before taking a sip, humming in delight as the caffeine hit her tastebuds. The brunette joined Alisha and Shadow as they watched the new Spy Kids 3 movie that had come out a few months ago.


An hour later, her mug now empty, Lara rose to her feet as she stretched her tired muscles before addressing Alisha. "We're going to go visit Jade today, so why don't you go get dressed." she told Alisha, who grinned and got to her feet, hurrying up the stairs, dodging Opal, who came down, a sleepy look in her blue eyes. Lara chuckled and headed over, greeting the Light Fury with a hug and pat before going into the kitchen and grabbing out two baskets full of fish. She set them in front of the two dragon's and they both thanked her before digging in. The brunette headed back into the lounge to retrieve her empty bowl and mug, putting them in the sink and rinsing them off.

Then she went upstairs to take a quick shower, dressing in a pair of loose pants, a blue shirt and one of her leather jackets over the top. She pulled her damp, brown locks into a braid and smiled at herself in the mirror. She made her bed and cleaned her room in half an hour.

Making her way back downstairs, she found Alisha chatting with the wolves, telling them she and Lara were going to visit Jade at the hospital. They were happy and asked that Lara tell Jade they love and miss her, the brunette promised to tell her that before she grabbed her car keys off the hook by the front door and the two headed out.


"Surprise!" Lara grinned, holding a bouquet coloured roses in her hands as she and Alisha walked into Jade's room. The Snow Queen smiled warmly upon seeing them. "Lara, Alisha!" she moved the table that held her lunch to the side, opening her arms wide, Alisha ran into them, hugging her aunt gently as to not cause her any pain. Lara places the flowers in the vase beside the bed, tossing out the old ones before putting in the new ones, taking a seat beside the bed and waiting for her turn.

Alisha released Jade and then Lara was there, hugging her best friend in a firm, yet gentle grip. "Hi, baby girl."

"Hi, Lara. It's so good to see you two." Jade said in a happy voice, her face buried in Lara's shoulder as she hugged the brunette.

Once the hugs were done, Alisha sat in the other chair on Jade's other side, holding her hand tightly. "So how are you feeling?" Lara asked.

Jade lightly shifted around the bed before answering. "Alright. My stomach only hurts if I make any sudden movements." she explained, lifting the hospital gown to show her heavily bandaged torso.

"That's good to hear." Lara said with a gentle smile.

"How's everyone else?"

"They miss you, Aunt Jade. We all do." Alisha spoke up, looking at Jade with slight sorrow in her brown eyes. The Snow Queen patted the teen's shoulder in reassurance.

"Don't worry. I'll be back home soon. The doctors just want to make sure I don't get an infection or anything like that." Jade sighed, resting her head back on the pillow as she gazed at her best friend and adopted niece.

"Oh, yeah. Shadow took Opal out for a date last night." Lara told her with a grin.

"Oooh! What happened?" Jade asked with a sly look. She wanted to know everything.

"Well, all I know is that he took her somewhere for a few hours and returned home, the two of them falling asleep together on his stone slab." Lara explained.

Chuckling softly, Jade said. "That's Shadow for you. Likes to impress when he can." her smile slowly faded. "Does he want me home?"

"More than anything. He misses you so much, I see him just lying there, restless and sad. He wants you home so badly, baby girl." the brunette told her gently, laying her hand over Jade's.

The Snow Queen gripped Lara's hand tightly as she held onto Alisha's with her other. She missed her family and wanted to be home again.

A throat was cleared and the trio looked to see a nurse standing in the doorway with a clipboard in her hands. "Sorry to interrupt, but you'll have to leave now." she told them gently, walking inside the room to check Jade's vitals and make sure they were all healthy.

Letting go of Jade's hands, Lara and Alisha both hugged the Snow Queen once more, promising to visit her again soon before they left, leaving Jade feeling lonely without them. She just hoped the hospital would dismiss her soon so she could be with her family again.

Turning to face the nurse, she asked. "So, when do you think I'll be able to go home?"

The nurse paused in checking the IV bag to look at Jade. "Hopefully not too much longer. Your vital signs are good, but we just want to make sure you don't have an infection."

Nodding her head in understanding, Jade settled back against the pillows as the nurse left the room, shutting the door behind her. Jade pulled the food table back in front of her and started to eat her slightly cold food, grimacing at the taste.

Here you go! Two chapters in a day! Woo! Please enjoy!

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