Rescuing Opal

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Lara stood at the coffee table, a map of London spread across the surface, the wolves stood with her, as well as Shadow and the hatchlings, perched on his back. Alisha stood by Lara's right side as she spoke.

"Okay, we know that Opal is being held here." Lara pointed to a place on the map, a few blocks away from the mansion. "At the old, abandoned warehouse where Drogon and the others were taken. Guards patrol the area 24/7 so we need to find a way inside without being spotted." folding her arms, Lara began to think, the shoulder wound was healing nicely, it only hurt if she did too much work, but it wasn't much of a bother for her.

"But Shadow can blend in with the night sky. Can't he fly you there?" Keena asked, looking at Lara.

"He could, but if he was spotted, they'd swarm us and he can't fly without a rider, so he'd easily be outnumbered as he can only fire six shots." Lara explained, looking around.

"But what if Keena took you?" Maya said, causing the others to look at her in surprise. "Think about it. She has black fur, can run very fast and has her claws and fangs. Sure, she can't fly. But she can defend." the light grey wolf stated, looking at her younger sister.

Lara tapped a finger to her chin in thought. It would be easier for Shadow to take her, but he wouldn't be able to get out of a situation as he couldn't fly on his own. The brunette looked at the black dragon, then the black wolf before making up her mind. "Alright, Keena will take me. Alisha, you will fly with Shadow, make sure nothing happens. Soren, you, Hugo and Maya will wait here with the hatchlings until we come back. Everyone understand?"

There were nods of approval around the room before she rolled the map up, putting it on a shelf near the couch before gently taking Alisha's hand in her own, leading her up the stairs and into her room. She tucked the young teen into her bed, putting a brown teddy bear beside her as she gently kissed Alisha's forehead.

"Aunt Lara?" the brunette turned to face the young teen. "Will we see Aunt Jade soon?" she asked.

Lara smiled gently. "Of course we will. She'll be home in no time, you'll see." giving Alisha one more kiss on the forehead, Lara left the room, shutting the door behind her as Alisha drifted off with the teddy in her arms and the lamp on.

Lara went into her own room and after changing into her pj's, she slipped into bed, turning on her left side where she saw a photo of herself, Jade, the wolves, Shadow and the three hatchlings, all smiling. That picture was the most memorable photo she had and it made her smile just looking at it. Switching her lamp off, she settled into her bed, letting sleep take her over.


The next night, Lara, riding on Keena's back with a black hoodie covering her face, gripped her wolf friends fur as she ran through the back alleys to make it to the warehouse undetected. Alisha rode with Shadow, the pair flying high above them, concealed in the dark sky.

Keena slowed to a walk as she neared the warehouse, ducking behind a building. Lara pulled out a pair of binoculars and held them up to her brown eyes, she saw two guards patrolling the entrance, rifles held in their hands. Looking up, she saw more men on the roof, bows and arrows at the ready.

She lowered the binoculars. "Alright, ready?" she asked Keena, who nodded and Lara picked up a pebble from the ground, tossing it around the corner. The noise alerted the men and they went to see what it was, giving Lara the perfect opportunity to sneak inside the warehouse, ducking behind some crates as two men walked past, deep in conversation.

Once they were gone, Lara snuck around and found Opal, in her cage, lying on the floor, looking miserable. "Psst! Opal!" the Light Fury's ears perked up and she turned her head, eyes widening in relief and happiness. Lara held a finger to her lips. "Shh, I'm gonna get you out of here." she had a look at the lock, it was a typical lock over the latch and she looked around before spotting a pair of bolt cutters near a crate. Picking them up, she held the ends to the lock and pushed down, the lock snapping open. She put the bolt cutters down and pulled the now broken lock free. She opened the cage door and stepped inside. Opal cooed happily, despite the muzzle on her face, she nuzzled her human's stomach gently.

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