Out of Prison

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Opal lay on the ground in the cove the next day, waiting for her new friend to arrive, she hoped they would have more fun like they did yesterday! She enjoyed Lara's company, the woman didn't try to hurt her, was gentle and kind. Opal could see the two of them, flying through the sky with no boundaries, free to do what they pleased!

She lifted her head, ears perked as she sniffed the air, a coo of happiness left her mouth as she rose to her feet. Lara was back! Tail wagging like a dog, she ran over to the nearest wall, stretching on her hind legs and placing her front paws on the rock, looking straight up, waiting for Lara to appear.

She wasn't disappointed, as the brunette entered her line of vision with another basket of fish! Opal bounced around in a circle as Lara made her way down carefully. Once she was in the cove, Opal pounced on the woman, knocking her to the ground and licking her face. The brunette squealed with laughter as the white dragon licked her face and nuzzled her neck, purring. "It's good to see you again, girl. Now let me up, I have fish for you."

Opal got off Lara and she sat up, wiping the saliva from her face with a grin before she tipped the basket over, fish spilled out and Opal wasted no time in digging in as Lara got to her feet and sat on a rock, watching her new friend eat her breakfast.

Once she's finished, Opal raced over to Lara, who chuckled softly and patted the white dragon's head as she rested it on her lap, curling her body around the brunette tightly. "You know...?" Lara spoke after a few minutes of peaceful silence. "I want to introduce you to my best friend, Jade and her dragon, Shadow." Opal lifted her head up so she was level with Lara.

"Jade's the Sister of Dragon's, she has three hatchling's as brother's and Shadow is her Night Fury and best friend." the brunette explained more as Opal listened.

"You'll like her, I'm sure." Lara murmured, stroking Opal's head and scratching behind her ears, the white dragon purred and leaned into the touch more, closing her blue eyes in content as Lara scratched her behind the ears.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast before it was time for Lara to head home. She'd fed Opal some fish from the lake and eaten some cooked by the dragon's fire. The two bonded more over the hours they were together in the cove, Opal leaned that Lara was an only child with Jade and her wolf siblings as her family. She also leaned that Jade had power over ice and snow, now she really wanted to meet her! Lara leaned that Opal had been captured by humans that tortured her and forced her inside a cage, that's why she didn't trust humans so easily, but with Lara, she could understand being locked up, for Jade had gone through the same thing when she was younger.

The two friends parted ways and Lara headed home with a smile on her face. She entered the front doors of her house and stepped inside the lounge, finding the four wolves and Shadow, with the hatchling's perched on his back, all laying around in different area's of the lounge. Jade was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Jade?"

"She's in the kitchen, cooking up some dinner for you. She thought you could use a break since your visiting that dragon most days now." Soren spoke gently, pointing his nose in the direction of the kitchen where his sister was working. Lara smiled and headed for the kitchen, finding her best friend chopping up vegetables for a stew as the meat in the pot cooked on a slow flame. The Snow Queen looked up and smiled. "Hey! How was your day?" she asked, putting the cutting knife down and wiping her hands on her pants as she gathered Lara in a tight hug.

"Good, I named the Light Fury Opal for her white colouring." Lara hadn't had a chance to tell the others the name she'd chosen for the dragon yesterday as she'd come back, had a quick shower, eaten dinner and headed off to be all in the span of ten minutes. She was exhausted when she'd gotten back!

Jade smiled. "Opal, I like it." she pulled back and continued chopping the veggies, with Lara helping her. "What about you?"

The young woman shrugged. "Didn't do much, took Shadow flying this morning, went for a walk around town, got some more groceries, came back, put them away and watched TV for the rest of the day until you got back." she listed casually, finishing with cutting the vegetables and adding them to the meat which had already been sorted through, the bones picked out, the water drained for any leftover bones, put back and the now boneless meat was put back into the pot, the vegetables now cooking with the meat. Jade put the lid on, tilting it slightly so the steam could escape before she cleaned up the bench and went into the lounge with Lara following. The two sat down on the couch and Lara grabbed the TV remote and switched the television on, a news broadcast was just beginning.

"Breaking news! A man has escaped London prison after choking two inmates with his bare hands, he stabbed the guard on watch with a scalpel and knocked out two more men. Paul Hober has the report, over to you." the scene switched to a man with black hair and brown eyes in a guardsuit with a gun in a holster strapped to his belt. "Thanks Carla, the man that escaped was Jason Maxwell, a former Lord in London and the man that tried to kill Archeologist Lara Croft and her friend Jade Harmony." two photos of the girls appeared on the screen, everyone was shocked. "Where ever he is, he will be punished for what he's done. Back to you, Carla." it went back to the news reporter. Lara switched the TV off, putting the remote down with a heavy sigh, running her fingers through her hair. Maxwell was loose! Just great! And they all knew who he was going to go after first!

Everyone was silent before Hugo broke it. "So he's escaped? How could he escape?" he questioned, looking around at his siblings, Lara and the four dragon's.

Jade shrugged. "I don't know, Hugo. But if he wants to start somewhere, it'd be me and Lara he'll be after first." she told them, looking at everyone.

The dragon's were confused by all this. Who was this Maxwell and what did he have to do with the girls? Shadow crooned in worry, nudging his head against Jade's shoulder, she turned to him, patting his head. "Don't worry, Shadow. I won't let him touch any of you." she vowed, wrapping a arm around her Night Fury's head gently. Shadow purred at her touch, closing his eyes.

"But who is he, Jade? What does he have to do with you and Lara?" Rhaegal asked, confusion in his thoughts. Jade scooped him, Viserion and Drogon into her arms, holding them tightly against her body.

"He's someone Lara and I met at my twenty first birthday party. He was the Lord of LakeSide manor. But he was cruel and evil, he left Lara to freeze after I accidentally struck her in the heart with my icy powers. Then he tried to kill me out in a blizzard, claiming Lara was dead because of me." a tear slipped down her cheek, Drogon brushed it away with the tip of his wing, feeling the pain and guilt coming from his sister.

"He won't come near you with us here, Sister. We can promise you that." Drogon told her, confidence flowing through the bond. It made Jade smile and chuckle softly at how brave he sounded.

"Come on, let's go to bed. Pondering on this won't help." Jade stood up with her dragon's in her arms, said goodnight to the rest of her family and headed up the stairs with Shadow following close behind. She entered her room, placed her brother's in the basket sitting on her desk and changed into her pjs before climbing into bed, snuggling under the blankets as Shadow let a small stream of flames heat up his stone slab before curling up and falling asleep. Jade smiled softly and let her eyes drift closed.


In a old, abandoned factory, Jason paced the room, he had a gun he'd stolen from a store held tightly in his right hand as he stopped and stared at the full moon that was on display from a window. "Soon, I will have my revenge. Just wait, Jade and Lara, for I have something special in store for you two." a deep, evil chuckle sounded from his throat before it grew in booming laughter that echoed all around the factory as his men came out from the shadows, all wielding weapons and ready to give those girls the death they deserved!

This is done! Comment and enjoy!

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