Opal Captured

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"Ow!" Lara hissed in pain as Jade wiped the blood away from the wound on her shoulder. The two were in Jade's room and she had a first aid kit sitting beside her. Lara's right arm was out of its sleeve, the bullet wound to her shoulder on full display. The bullet had, thankfully, gone all the way through, so Jade didn't need to dig around for it, which was a relief for her. She just needed to clean and wrap it. Soren and his siblings sat with them as the dragon's watched.

"Sorry, Lara." Jade apologised as she wiped the alcoholic wipe over the wound, cleaning it slowly. She opened a few more wipes before the area, on both sides, were clean. Then she grabbed a bandage from the kit and began to wrap it around Lara's chest and over her shoulder to keep it in place, she tied it and helped her best friend slip her arm back inside the sleeve of her shirt.

"It'll be sore for a few days, but as long as you don't do any heavy lifting or anything, you'll be fine." Jade said, packing up the first aid kit and putting it back under her bed, disposing of the wipes in the bin and rinsing her hands in the bathroom.

"Thanks, Jade." Lara thanked, sighing. Jade nodded and reached out, gently gripping her hand tightly. "I can't believe he broke in and shot at us! I mean, what the hell?" the brunette exclaimed in anger. "He will die!"

The Snow Queen nodded. "I know, Lara. I know." she patted the brunette's shoulder gently as she hugged her best friend, holding her tightly.

The wolves looked at one another, with Maxwell out of jail, they had to make sure the girls and dragon's were safe at all times. Then Lara gasped, causing Jade to release her. "Opal. I need to go and see her! Know she's alright!" she moved to get up, but Jade pushed her back down when she saw Lara wince in pain at the sudden movement.

"No, your hurt and in no shape to go see her. I'll go, make sure she's safe and all." Jade offered herself, giving Lara a gentle smile. "It'll be okay, Lara. She's smart and strong, just like Shadow." hearing his name, the Night Fury wandered over and gently nuzzled Lara's un-injured shoulder, cooing softly.

Lara inhaled sharply, she wanted to go and see Opal, but Jade was right, she couldn't go anywhere with her shoulder busted up like it was. "Okay." she sighed in defeat, knowing she couldn't win this. Jade smiled and hugged as gently as possible, holding her tight before she released the brunette.

"Now get some rest, I'll go see her first thing in the morning at the cove, make sure she's alright." she said, tucking Lara in her bed with help from Keena, who gently nuzzled the brunette in hopes of her getting better soon.

Jade got up and headed for the door. "Jade?" she turned back to see Keena standing by the bed. "Would it bother you if I stayed with Lara tonight? Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't overdo anything?" the black wolf asked her younger sister softly. Jade smiled gently, Keena had a strong bond with Lara since they first met, how could she say no. "I don't mind, sis." Keena smiled and walked over, gently resting her head on Jade's shoulder in her version of a hug. The Snow Queen wrapped her arms as far around Keena's neck as they could go, burying her face into the black fur as the two sister's hugged.

Soren, Maya and Hugo all left the room to let Lara sleep as Jade let go of Keena, wishing her and Lara a good night before she scooped her brother's up into her arms and stepped outside the room with Shadow, shutting the door behind them.


Opal lay curled up on the ground in the cove at six the next morning, she was restless, she couldn't help but feel like something was badly wrong with Lara, and her instincts never lied.

Hearing a noise, her head shot up, she sniffed the air and snarled, pupils becoming paper thin slits as she growled, teeth bared. In the little light she had, she could make out some people entering the cove, they weren't Lara or Jade, that much she knew for sure.

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