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Four years before game development

Deep space probe 'Centaur' orbiting Jupiter:

January the third 2036

At approximately six hundred and eight thousand kilometres away from Jupiter, in deep space orbit just near Ganymede suddenly a three-meter-wide wormhole unexpectedly appeared sending gravitational shockwaves out into the surrounding space

Shortly thereafter a small, black, one-meter sized sphere emerged from the wormhole moving effortlessly off in the direction of Titan.

Three hours later the wormhole disappeared never to be seen again.


Earth: February 2nd 2037

To: Helen Toyokada

From: Hiro Fukuda

Dear Helen

My heart goes out to you and it filled me with great sadness when I learn about your husband's death. Thank you so much for telling me. His death was a great loss for science. I'll miss his quick wit and sharp tongue at our meetings.

You have my condolences and the condolences of our entire group. If there is anything that we can do your you please feel free to call on us in your time of need.

As you requested, I have collected all the materials that I have regarding the 'Jupiter' event and have included them all on the included data crystal.

Please, feel free to call me if you have any questions about the crystal's content.

Your friend.

Hiro Fukuda

Extracts from Science weekly.


(Special Edition)


In this issues news a report from the Deep space Advanced LEGRO* detector (ALEGRO)

With the announcement earlier this year by Deep space platform ALEGRO's that it had 'Registered the largest recorded passage of gravity waves ever recorded in a single incident on its sensor.' And the sudden unexpected loss of the NASA deep space probe 'Centaur' studying Jupiter earlier this year, some in the scientific community are once again questioned ALEGRO's usefulness.

In a seldom granted interview the Director of Research for ALEGRO, Doctor Reo Toyokada. stated that ALEGRO'S records show that the 'Jupiter event' lasted approximately four minutes and thirty-five seconds before it suddenly ceased.'

Our independent sources indicate that 'the recording of event causing widespread concern in the scientific community that ALEGRO'S two-year-old multinational, trillion-dollar project, may a fatally flawed project. And a waste of taxpayer money.'


2036 Issue 12

In the new this issue the United Nations have appointed Professor Hiro Fukuda of Tokyo University to head an international investigation in to the 'Jupiter event'.

Professor Fukuda is due to leave for the ALEGRO platform on the 3rd of May.


2036 Issue 15

In the news this issue Professor Fukuda stated that Doctor Toyokada would 'temporarily' be standing down from his position as Director of Research for ALEGRO due to family commitments. Professor Fukuda later reiterated that this development had 'no relationship with my current investigation', and that 'I still retained full confidence in Doctor Toyokada ability to lead the venture.'


2036 Issue 26

In the news this issue Doctor Toyokada has resumed his role as the Director of Researcher for ALEGRO.

Later reports have Doctor Toyokada talking with the head of NASA space exploration division as a direct result of last week's leaking of the NASA data relating to the destruction of the NASA probe near Titan earlier this year.


2036 Issue 49

In the news this issue it is with great sadness that we have to report the untimely death Doctor Reo Toyokada, Director of Research for the ALEGRO platform.

Doctor Toyokada died while travelling on a flight from London to Sydney. The cause of the crash is as yet, unknown.

Doctor Toyokada is survived by his wife of thirteen-year Helen Toyokada and his ten-year-old son Mitsuyo. Science Weeklies sympathies go with Doctor Toyokada family in these sad times.

In other news 'Aero space' shuttle services have grounded their fleet of older model 'Atal Five' shuttles while the crash is investigated.


Just outside geosynchronous earth orbit: Midnight : March 19-2037

Watching the planet slowly rotate below it, the small, black, one-meter diameter sphere lazily scanned the next approaching landmasses and surrounding space searching for its target.

Later, having found what it was looking for it first constructed then devoured and replacing the innocent looking satellite above Japan before effortlessly moving on to its next destination. Finally, doing the same four more times before moving the black sphere stationed itself in geosynchronous orbit above Australia after replicating then destroying a satellite previously stationed there.



World Knowledge

*ALEGRO Advanced Laser Energy Gravitational Research Observatory

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