Tomorrow the Stars

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          Toyokada Mitsuyo* watched as the games cut scene begins with a view from deep space of a solar system. The view slowly zooms in with words scroll up across the players vision.

The Solar System of Tanalisa

Quadrant: MZ228:444:998

Sector: AA106:884:843

Tanalisa's 4th Planet:

Planet Name: Alentia

Planetary ID: QZ443

(Planet zoom in completed)

Location: The Island of Halilintar

Date: In the year of the Wolf 563

A volcano's pyroclastic flow exploded down the mountain side destroying the surrounding megacity and amazon like forest views below it instantly.

Standing in a tower just outside the volcano's blast radius a lone kobold smiled before turning on its heels and quickly running, disappearing through the tower's doors behind into it into the towers maze-like corridors heading towards its transport runes.

Two minutes and forty seconds later the now shimming kobold disappeared, dissolved into nonexistence as the towers transport runes activated.


The black metallic floor was completely covered in strange runes. Unexpectedly, the room began to hum as the floors runes suddenly started glowing and a lone kobold appeared.

Glancing at the floor around it and fearing the worst, the kobold raced across the rooms metal floor fleeing towards the door in panic as the room's runes continued glowing signalling another arrival. Making the door in time it quickly slamming the door shut, sealing the room behind it, dogging it shut just in case before relaxing slightly and turning to see what was happening.

Whipping sweat of its brow it stared through the door's porthole sighing with relief as the floor runes faded into darkness leaving nothing behind but his still settling cloud of dust.

Smiling the kobold began walking along the now familiar metal corridor towards its goal, arriving there five minutes later.

'Report!' The mechanical voice shouted from the surrounding walls in stereo as the kobold stepped into the middle of the room.

'Yes master. My mission was a complete success' the kneeling kobold replied quickly.

'Details.' The mechanical voice replied gruffly.

'Yes master. I placed the device in the crater as requested. Then, after returning to the tower I activated it making sure to stay in my location until I was sure that the desired results had occurred. After which I returned here as per our agreement.'

'Return it.' The mechanical voice replied as a small draw near the kobold on the left-hand wall opened.

'Of course master, at once.' The kobold hurriedly replied rushing over to the draw and dropping the red and grey palm sized metallic device into it.

'Reward.' The mechanical voice intoned slowly as an invisible room door on the right-hand wall opened and three smaller kobolds rushed into the room running straight into the waiting arms of the waiting kobold.

Tomorrow the Stars   (I have no Voice)Where stories live. Discover now