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The Solar System of Tanalisa...Quadrant: MZ228:444:998

Sector: AA106:884:843

Tanalisa's 4th Planet...Planet Name: Alentia

Planetary ID: QZ443

The Years of the Tiger 678...Local date: The years of Sorrow 1276

The Starship 'Tamelight'

The starship's black metallic floors runes unexpectedly began glowing as the room began to hum. As the humming grew louder a lone squat metal figure shimmered, materialising in the room carrying a rather large squat hammer across its right shoulder and the body of a large beast across the other.

'Well?' the metallic figure intoned. 'Where's the reception?'

'Busy.' a gruff voice replied from a speaker in the left-hand corner of the room.

'Busy? Doing what?' the figure replied as it clunked across the room opening hatch in the right-hand corner of the room.

'Their jobs, as you should be instead of wasting your time hunting.'

'Thinning the herds not hunting.' The figure replied indignantly.

'Thinning the herd? Is that what you were doing?'

'Yes. Without it they'd overbreed, ravage the lands then starve to death. Besides it makes the stock stronger.'

'That may well be true however, your primary job isn't herd control. Besides they were abandoned eighty Tesak** after proving viable.'

'True, besides case hunting them is better than letting them run wild.'

'That may be the case but you have duties. See to them.' the voice from the speaker replied rather abruptly.

'By your command.' The figure replied cynically, bowing as it left the room.

The bowls of the starship 'Tamelight'

Dropping its bundles uncaringly on the floor the alien figure began shedding its metallic suit revealing a red scaled, one-meter high lizard like creature. Free of its burdens, the creature stretched, watching as a lone kobold ran from its bedding in the far corner of the room and began dragging the mess away.

'Careful.' The lizard like creature interrupted gruffly as the kobold struggled to drag the metallic suit towards a rack in the far corner of the room. 'That worth more you'll ever be.'

The kobold nodded, ducking, expecting a blow which didn't eventuate.

'After you've finished that skin the creature, then bring my food to the terraforming terminal.'

The kobold nodded hurriedly as it desperately shouldered the suit, almost collapsing under the load as it shuffled towards its goal.


World Knowledge

**Tesak: An alien measurement of planetary rotation approximately equivalent to 2 local years.

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