An unexpected meeting

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On the beach: The hour of the Bird

Alert Mitsu waited as the cold shiver changed toa smell drifting across his nose. It was a deep musty almost familiar smell tinged with blood and forest. Simultaneously his ears automatically twitch in the direction of the smell, downwind, towards the direction of his unease, as they strained to hear anything carried by the smallest breath of wind.

'It's there, downwind, still hidden in undergrowth near the end of the clearing on the left most side of the beach.' Mitsu thought to himself as he just managed to hear the sounds of some twigs breaking followed by the rustle of leaves as something heavy passed through the undergrowth in the midst of the sound of the breaking waves, the sea and the almost silence of the forest.

Worried Mitsu moved further back into the underbrush almost obscuring his vision as a large dark grey head poked out through the bushes warily looking around the area before the rest of its body exited the undergrowth revealing itself. It was a large grey spider about the size of a one-year old Alsatian.

The sight and sheer sizer of the beast momentarily overwhelmed Mitsu's senses, fortunately seeing it Mitsu's 'menu' system suddenly opened stilling most of his fears, displaying the following information.


Species: Common name: SpiderWolf

Sex: Female

Class: Pack Hunter

Age: 2

Level: 2

Health: (Unable to identify. Raise XXXXXXXXX skill.)

Skills: (Unable to identify. Raise XXXXXXXXX skill.)

Weapons: (Unable to identify. Raise XXXXXXXXX skill.)

Help Notes: A large black spider commonly called a SpiderWolf. They usually travel in packs, barking like a wolf to alert their packmates to food or danger.


'Well, at least I know what it is...' Mitsu thought calming himself as he watched the obviously injured 'SpiderWolf' limp across the open sands towards the beach dragging two badly damaged back limbs behind it bleeding dark greenish fluid as it hesitantly made its way across the sands towards the rotting fish. Nervously reading the notification again Mitsu waited, watching the lone spiderwolf as it began to feast.

Time passed slowly but still no packmates joined the spiderwolf on the beach leaving Mitsu feeling that there was a distinct possibility that, due to the beast's injuries, it was the last remaining member of its pack. And this gave him an idea.

'The beasts obviously injured with decreased mobility and I'm somewhat immune to poison and with its injuries and without out its pack, in this condition it's obviously a target for hunters. Besides' Mitsu's thoughts continued. 'It'll give me a chance to test my skills, in any case, if I'm careful I'm sure that I can take it.' Decision made Mitsu activated his skills 'Enhanced sight', 'Enhanced (sense of) smell' and 'Hide in shadows' before cautiously examining the surrounding undergrowth before fading into the shadows.

Carefully examining each move before he made it, Mitsu slowly followed the breeze downwind moving slightly behind and to the left of the spiderwolf. Finally, in position and sure that his position had remained undiscovered Mitsu crept out from the undergrowth behind his target.

Sprinting forward towards his prey Mitsu sprang forward intent on ripping his claws across the beasts back only to find the spiderwolf suddenly facing him as it spun quickly about, raising its fangs, ready for his attack.

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