Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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Earth- Chatswood, Sydney, Australia: Saturday-9:30pm; 2043

The storm raged outside as Mitsuyo returned to his room.

Opening the curtain beside his desk, he leaned on the windowsill watching the storms sheet rain progress across the park opposite the flats, pressing his face momentarily into the windowpane against the cold wet glass. And as he pressed further into the frame, oblivious to his surroundings watching the lightning flashes crisscross the skies his left elbow accidently pushed the pile of books stacked there, moving them left with his weight, sliding the small blue stapler situated on the end of the bookrack his was resting his elbow on, off the rack.

Falling, the stapler landed on the keyboard below, striking the enter key as it fell before clattering to the floor. Having received confirmation that avatar creation had been completed the games creation screen momentarily blanked out before moved on to the games second cut scene, picking up the action sometime after the first scene oblivious to the fact that no one was actually watching the scene.

(Cut Scene starts)

Location: Staghome

Date: Surday the 10th day of Dranter: In the year of the Apprentice 1043

The slim, dark haired, olive skinned, two point four-meter-high elf Ariana Strongbow sat watching in the hide ousted their home as her father slept peacefully inside. Yawning she drank the tea her father had prepared for her as she watched the red beaked Lonehawk steal in through the houses open window.

'So that's our little thief.' She murmured softly as she watched it steal the supposedly forgotten prize on the room floor before flying away out into the nearby forest.

Slipping down out of the tree Ariana's eyes followed the Lonehawk as it effortlessly flew off into the dark of the night.

'Well? Did you see it?' she asked the seeming darkness as a larger red fox appeared from the undergrowth.

'Bark-whine.' The larger red fox* replied looking up at her momentarily before it too looked in the direction of the fleeing Lonehawk.

'Good girl.' Ariana said reaching down to pat the foxes head. 'Follow it and find the nest then return as soon as you can, I'll follow as soon as I wake father.'

The larger red fox gave a low howl in reply before glancing into the nights sky and speeding off towards the now distant Lonehawk speck in the sky.

(Scene change... Dawn)

Location: Forest of Dreams

Exiting the bushes behind it the larger red fox scratched its left ear with its hind leg, dislodging the small branch lodged there.

'Well?' Ariana asked impatiently as the larger red fox finished scratching. 'Did you find it?'

The larger red fox barked, howled, then barked again before turning its head back towards the bushes behind it.

Smiling happily Ariana reached down and scratched the larger red fox's right ear before sitting down with a 'thunk' next to it and shearing a piece of jerky from her stash with it.

'Right... then I suppose that's that. Well just have to wait for father then you can lead us to the nest.'

The larger red fox barked happily before laying its head in her lap, looking lovingly up at her.

'Stop that already.' Ariana smiled, 'Haven't I've already told you at least a hundred times before that your more than free to leave anytime you want.'

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