Still Adjusting (snippet)

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"Thor-!" Loki marched into his brother's living quarters as a set of throwing knives appeared in each hand. "This time, I will actually kill-!" Loki paused mid-threat, seeing that Thor was actually nowhere to be seen. In fact, the room was suspiciously well-ordered: no blood-stained clothes strewn about the floor- and was that an honest-to-gods flower vase by the window sill- wait an minute.
Loki's body reacted before his mind did.
There was a pained grunt from the god of thunder, and Loki turned in surprise. "Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Thor. Here, let me get you a cloth-" Loki began feeling around on his person for a handkerchief. Meanwhile, Thor sighed down at the small blade protruding from his midsection. "No, it's my fault for sneaking up on you."
"Well, I'm not sure that can be- ah-" with a touch of flare, the younger brother procured an emerald silk cloth from one of his breast pockets, and bent to examine the wound. "Hm- it seems I missed an organ this time. I must be losing my-" Loki pulled the blade out with one swift movement. "-touch."
"Loki-!" Thor roared and stepped away from his brother, placing a protective hand over his middle. "I have told you not to do that!" The trickster god shrugged and proceeded to wipe Thor's blood from his throwing knife. "You lack the self-control to relax your muscles while expecting pain, so I didn't ask you to." Thor jumped to return with a barb of his own. "Aye, just as you do not possess the self-control to not stab every person that sneaks up on you."
Saved my life more than enough times.
Despite that thought, Loki conceded the point by holding out the green cloth in his hand. "Just so. Now, I'm guessing you have news?" Thor was half-distracted by the contusion in his side, but nodded as he accepted Loki's handkerchief. "Aye. I was looking for you to tell you that Jane is to come over for a visit."
Loki had suspected that, but a thrum of jealousy arose, all the same. "Ah, yes- your charming mortal lover with more brains than that of your previous conquests." Thor placed an intentionally rough hand on Loki's shoulder. "Come now, brother. Jane is an exceptional woman-"
"Big word-" Loki interrupted, "- must be serious for you to make a special effort." The older man's frown deepened as a warning. "-and I believe you will find her to be as admirable and respectable as I do."
I hope so.
"I doubt it. As ever, your faith is misplaced, brother."

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