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I waved as I got off the stage listening to the crowd scream, once I was back in my dressing room I sigh as my sleepless nights start catching up with me. "Hey, you did good out there" a deep smooth familiar voice says

I look up to see my bodyguard Reaper leaning against the wall wearing his favorite black hoodie along with black pants “Thanks, though, it feels like these concerts are going on longer everytime we do one” I say with a smile “Anyway I'm going to shower then we can leave” I say grabbing my regular clothes. I use to hate having to tell Reaper every little thing I was going to do from taking a shower to eating a snack, but I eventually got use to it and I'm sure if Reaper wasn't here I wouldn't know what to do.

“Alright you don't have to worry I'll be outside if you need anything” Reaper says. He always lets me know he's not planning on leaving, it makes me feel safe.

I nod and we both walk to the showers. Reaper took his spot next to the door as he leaned against the wall and I headed in closing the door behind me, but not locking it just in case Reaper needs to get to me. I made that mistake once and Reaper ended up kicking the door down.

I shake my head, a lot has happened since then, Reaper and I have gotten closer. When he leaves and the room becomes silent I feel uneasy until he comes back. I start my water, laying my clothes on the counter next to the sink while I rubbed my aching head.

When the water was to my liking I turned it off, took off my sweaty clothes, throw them into a hamper, and get in the warm water sighing as I relaxed. My mind wondered as I sunk further into the water. I felt my eyes close the only sound in the room was the sound of the water moving every once in a while.

I sit up and quickly clean myself, so I can go to sleep. After I finish I grab a towel and get out wrapping it around my waist. I walk over to the counter and looked at myself in the mirror before opening it. I grab my sleep medicine knowing it'll take at least thirty minutes to kick in. I jump when I close the mirror seeing someone standing on the other side of the room.

I turn to face the man “Don't be scared. I'm a big fan.” he says, he was taller than me with black hair. He smiled with wide eyes.

I give a wary smile “Thank you. How long have you been in here?” I ask eyeing the door hoping Reaper would come in and help me.

“The whole time. Your body is beautiful when it's wet” he says taking a step closer to me causing me to flinch “Oh, no. Don't be scared I just want a closer look” he says his voice monotone.

The only way out was past the guy and I knew I had no chance of getting past him, he literally stood between me and freedom. When the guy was no more than a few feet away he tackled me to the floor and placed his hands on my throat squeezing so I couldn't breath or scream. I kicked and flailed as my vision blurred, but it was no use.

‘Is this how I die, strangled by a fan in the bathroom?’ I think as black spots dotted my vision. With the little strength I had, I banged on the wall three times, mine and Reaper's code that somethings wrong. Just as I felt my consciousness start slipping all the pressure on my throat was released and I started, greedily, taking in air letting it enter my burning lungs.

Then, I was picked up bridle style. I wrapped my arms of the person holding me. Slowly I look up to see Reaper looking at me worriedly. I closed my eye as I steadied my breath “No, no. Don't fall asleep. I need you to stay awake. Can you do that for me?” Reaper asks as he rubbed under my eye

I open my eye as I nodded

“Shh, it's OK I'm here nothing will happen now” he says as he continued wiping under my eye, I was probably crying and didn't realize it. After a while, I started looking around. Reaper was sitting on the floor holding me in his lap while the man laid, unconscious, bleeding on the floor. Reaper covered my eye probably to keep me from seeing what he had done.

Afterdeath one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now