GAME NIGHT!!! The Sequel

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Your POV

Friday night. After all the craziness that was Magica and Scrooge swapping bodies for a day, you wanted to relax and take it easy on Friday night. Scrooge had canceled all you kids Webflix accounts, claiming that "The prices per month were so high, I wouldn't be surprised if it was robbery!", so you were laying on your loft bed, reading Moby Dick for a school assignment.

"Speak clearly, Trallalah. What is your prediction for this journey?" Quackhab asked. She leaned over the edge of the mast to her captain's beck and call.

"You will find what you seek, Captian, but once you have it, you will lose all by hemp rope!"  Trallalah bellowed, her voice echoing across the ship. 

Well, he's clearly going to get killed by the whale. Poor Captain Quackhab, You thought to yourself. All of a sudden, you heard the scampering of two webbed feet running throughout the manor and the excited screams of "GAME NIGHT!!!". You dropped the book on your bed and ran out to the foyer where a giant stack of board games was sitting with Scrooge running around it, incapacitated with giddy laughter. Donald and the kids stood next to you.

"Aw, phooey," You all said.


The first game was a chess tournament. Louie and Dewey lost to one another pretty quickly, but Huey stood out among them. He ended up beating you in the tournament but lost to Scrooge. You suggested Mancala, but no one knew how to play it, so it was eliminated. You were mad about this. 

Next up was a game of charades. The teams were adults against kids, so you were a little nervous. However, your kids won when the adults incorrectly guessed a sword horse when the word was really narwhal. "Er, excuse us for a second," Scrooge excused himself from the room, dragging Donald with him by the wrist. He slammed the door of the foyer, and beyond the door, you could hear the screaming and cursing.

"Oooookay. Next game!" You said. The next time you saw Donald, he had a gigantic swollen black eye. You asked him what happened, and he replied nervously, 

"Lots." The third and final game was... Yup. You guessed it.

"ScroogeOpoly!" He cheered.

"UUUGGHH!!!" You all groaned.

"Oh, come now! This is a fun game!" Scrooge smiled, shaking the box. "And, it teaches important lessons about finance and property acquisition. Skills that you'll need to pay your bills when you're older."

"Or, we could have a loaded cannon and a match at the door to prevent tax collectors from bugging us, like you," Webby said. You clasped her beak shut. 

"One, you're just quoting the back of the box, "You said, folding your arms. "And two, the rules are so rigged, you're the only person who can win it!" 

"Just give it a chance! Surely just because you've lost this game to me four times in a row doesn't mean that you can't still win," He smiled. He gave you those sweet old man puppy-eyes and held up the board game with the caricature of him on the cover. "It's for love, (Y/n)." 


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